July 1, 2024

VIDEO: The Most Heartbreaking and Hopeful Thing | Roots and Refuge Farm

Thank you all so much for supporting us through this time. We will be back to our regular channel content after this, but we wanted to share this tribute and just give an honest look at where we have been.

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My Infrequently updated blog: www.thehodgepodgedarling.blogspot.com
My Articles in Do South Magazine:http://dosouthmagazine.com/?s=jessica+sowards

Our Music is by our friend Daniel Smithhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvBpcMe9OjXGnjLgPuLGQPw

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To drop us a line:
PO Box 850
Vilonia, AR 72173

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Thank you so much for believing in us!

19 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Most Heartbreaking and Hopeful Thing | Roots and Refuge Farm

  1. God bless you in this season. What joy that we have hope in Eternity with Jesus! My mother-in-law who lives across the road from us was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer last Thursday. We are in this place or learning to navigate this newness and be strong and hopeful, yet realistic. I will be praying for you and your family. Much love.

  2. Miah's tribute to his mom was so touching & inspirational … I too want to love & follow Jesus in the same way your mom did! I did cry … but I know you are right … you will rejoice with her again. I know your mom is so proud of you & Jess, not just for what wonderful children you are raising; for what an amazing farm you created, or the new one you will build soon; but most of all for your love for her Savior … that's was her biggest hearts desire … to see her children & grandchildren walking closely with Jesus! Thank you for sharing the deepest parts of your soul & emotions with us. I love you both, Laura

  3. About how you wanted to scream in Target. I've lost my whole family, my fiancé, and a few dear friends. Each time, quite especially with my family, I felt deeply offended that the whole universe didn't drop to its knees in recognition of the loss of each of my loved ones, in validation of their existence, and in celebratory observation of the lives they led. And while continuing to try to navigate the world, I would think, "Can't you hear my soul screaming? Can't you feel the pain radiating off of me in unbearable waves?" Such is grief. Grief is the price we pay for love. This is how I know I loved well and deeply, and how I was loved in return. As hard as I find the pain to bear, I wouldn't wish it away, since that would mean wishing away the love as well.

  4. ❤️❤️Miah and Jess. It’s been a few years, this touched my heart today. My mother and mother in law have been gone 6 years now. I needed this today. Thank you. ❤️

  5. Special and moving you all are the best the Lord has to offer. A testimony to the truest and most amazing gospel works within you all. Thank you for the blessings you bring to your subscribers and the hope that we all can walk with such beauty and grace. That we can aspire to be the light of the world and an example of the stewardship you all share

  6. This is such a beautiful video! What a wonderful tribute. I have been going back watching old videos before your move so amazing to see all the things you have done on this farm as I have followed along for the last couple of years. Can't wait to see the amazing things you do in South Carolina.

  7. That was absolutely beautiful sweet, sweet Miah. And Jess, like I've said before, I love your heart. This helps me with the fresh loss of a chosen family member. Thank you!

  8. Just finding this video but it was so touching. I feel like I've gotten to know a great woman even without seeing her face to face. Miah did a beautiful job of remembering his mom. ♥️

  9. Man! I have followed for years. How did I miss this most precious moment! As an old lady, I know how the pain and pride in a wonderful life gets mixed. You, after all the steps in the path your life with God has taken,need never justify your channel. You always protect your older kids from intrusion and that is something that they will love you for. God bless all of you.

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