September 21, 2024

VIDEO: How to Make Mayo from Scratch | Roots and Refuge Kitchen

Today I’m showing you how to make mayonnaise from scratch!

1 c. light tasting olive oil
1 egg
1 t. mustard
1/2 T. lemon juice

Products used in this video:
Stick Blender:
Weck Jar:
Flake Salt:

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Make Mayo from Scratch | Roots and Refuge Kitchen

  1. I was curious if you have tried any of your quail eggs for the mayo, change in taste and such. I've heard that quail eggs can be eaten raw with no problem of salmonella. Plus being so high in vitamin A. Thanks so much for the videos! Y'all are awesome!

  2. Oh my word, that was stupifyingly easy. I tried making mayo from a recipe that called for larger quantities of ingredients and it completely bombed so I never tried it again because I wasted good eggs and oil. I'll try again using your recipe. Thanks Jess!

  3. You would think that the acid in the lemon would help kill the bacteria in the egg, like when people drink egg in alcohol it sometimes cooks the egg and people say that its safe to drink

  4. Why can I not make it? I followed the directions carefully. One cup of grapeseed oil. Farm fresh egg. It had been in the fridge but I let it sit out. Maybe the egg cannot be cold? I let the ingredients rest. I used short slow bursts to start before moving the blender. Looks like orange juice. Second time I have tried with the same results. Boohoo hoo!!! What am I doing wrong???

  5. This recipe saved my dinner! I’m so glad I remembered it. I needed mayo for my casserole, but didn’t have enough, so Jess to the rescue! The oil I had on hand probably wasn’t the best choice, but it worked and you couldn’t tell once the mayonnaise was mixed with the other casserole ingredients. Thanks!

  6. So. I’m just now getting around to actually trying this! However, I don’t have an immersion blender so I mixed it by hand by very slowly incorporating the oil with the already whisked egg and it came out very runny. I don’t know what I did wrong..?

  7. I just made this today! It was so easy thank you I always watched people make it but was intimidated by it but you give me courage to try new things! Just like my first garden this year.

  8. Oh, wow, Jessica @Roots and Refuge Farm! :O Just made this tonight for the first time <3 <3 <3 – Now I'm only wondering why haven't I tried it before, although I've seen this video when it came out?! :O 😀

  9. My favorite quick sauce is mayo,with lemon juice, & most of the time I add a curry blend.

    Still haven't made my own mayo though. I've known how for decades,but still haven't made my own yet. I forget & buy a jar of Hellman's, then add lemon & curry powder to have on veggies, sometimes when I make tuna salad sandwiches, always when I pan sear a salmon filet, or on some egg dishes, like sliced hard boiled eggs on asparagus on toast, in an egg salad sandwich, some kinds of quiche, fritatta, or maybe crepes with veggies & chicken in a creamy sauce, but I forget how much I love them, so never do. It's been many years.

    Funny, this showed up on my phone this morning & I'm going grocery shopping today.

    I think I'll be making crepes with mushrooms, spinach, caramelized red onion, Swiss cheese & pour some of that lemon curry sauce over it.

    I'm going to see if I have the right size Mason jars, but your's looks like the perfect shape.

  10. I followed your recipe to a T Jess, and for some reason it still came out runny. I think I'm just cursed with runny mayo recipes. BUT!!! Not to be shut down that quickly, I looked up recipes on how to fix it and lo and behold!!! Mayo!!!! I got so excited. It didn't taste exactly how I'd like, so I added a little garlic powder and onion powder and it tasted pretty decent. I'm just going to keep practicing and maybe, just maybe, I can break this curse.

    For those of you who are also cursed, here's how I fixed it:

    Pour your broken mayo into a separate container, DO NOT WASH OUT THE DIRTY CONTAINER! This is now your base oil mixture. Take the emptied and still dirtied mason jar (or w.e you tried to first make the mayo in) and now add 1 egg yolk (just the yolk, no egg whites) now add in about 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice again. Just as you did when you first tried making the mayo. And don't add anything else. Now you should have a jar with remnants of the broken mayo mixture, now with an egg yolk and a little lemon juice inside. You should also have the rest of your broken mayo mixture in another container. Use your immersion blender on your new egg yolk and lemon juice concoction, once it is all fully mixed, DRIZZLE (and boy do I mean drizzle) in the broken mayo mixture from the other container. You should start to see it thickening but we have a long way to go because we have to slowly and gradually add in all that broken and runny mayo into the 'new' mixture which should be taking all of that broken mayo and turning it into legit mayo now. Once your done, taste it and add anything you think it needs. Hope this helps!!

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