March 13, 2025

VIDEO: Straw Bale Gardening 36: Yacon Harvest

In this episode we finally harvest our Yacon. Yacon is a root crop native to South America and has many uses and benefits. With the right techniques this plant can be grown in colder climates and I show you the results! Thanks for watching!

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Banjo Short by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (…)

Instrumental produced by Chuki

Greta Sting by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

#yacon #harvest #strawbalegardening

9 thoughts on “VIDEO: Straw Bale Gardening 36: Yacon Harvest

  1. I feel your pain! Nothing worse then watching our gardens die off from a hard freeze. That was a good Yacon harvest ya got there! Not make ya fart!! LOL.. The CityStead done a shout out for ya and when I seen you straw bale garden over there I had to sign up. I do a lot of bale gardening over here as well. Love how they grow some awesome veggies!

  2. Awesome video! Our yacons did fine with the few mild frosts (-3C or 26F) we've had, same all the other tubers we've got going on our garden like oca, mashua etc. Our entire garden is well insulated with a thick layer of wood chips though.

  3. Thank you for sharing! How was your yacon harvest in 2019 and 2020?
    I'll try to grow them for the first time this year and I hope 3 things: That the plants grow here in the middle of Germany – despite the weather we have here this year -; that I'll get some tubers and enough rhizomes to grow it next year again; and that they doesn't produce as much gas as the "fartichokes"… 😉

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