March 16, 2025

VIDEO: Introducing our Reckless Grief Puppy | VLOG | Roots and Refuge Farm

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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Introducing our Reckless Grief Puppy | VLOG | Roots and Refuge Farm

  1. Have you thought of an honesty curbside market at your farm. Guess these are called honesty boxes. Sorry if this was already covered, I just found you and haven't watched everything yet. I'm a musician too. I'll be watching b/c I'm starting my own channel so I can keep my home. Blessings!

  2. Just recently found you and your family is amazing! Thank you for being so open and willing to share with the rest of us your heart! Would absolutely love to get together in April! I'm in Oklahoma but would make the drive to learn from others who are successfully doing what I'm trying to start.

  3. This is a precious video. A simple praise, love of a child, 'a snack and a nap'. Yes that is so true. A paster when I was a kid used to say, sometimes the most Godly thing you can do is sleep. Yes rest is so important.

  4. I would love to come to a meetup in Arkansas! You have no idea what you've meant to me in these few days since I found your channel! I say that, but then I see so many comments telling you the same thing! You're a lighthouse!

  5. My heart grows fuller every time you share a video. Baby brushin Mamma's hair while singin Jesus music fills me with joy. Your preacher story is so perfect, I love that! I will be sharing that. Sooo, I am "just a gardener" with dreams of more someday, sooner than later Lord's will. I WOULD LOVE TO COME TO ARKANSAS IN APRIL! My daughter lives in Prairie Grove and I would love to come and meet you all! I have learned so much already and I just found you a month or so ago. I love that sweet brown dog <3

  6. The first part of that message it was supposed to say stop what you’re doing put that phone down. I think it came out very snarky and it wasn’t intended to be snarky it or mean or rude I apologize if that’s how you received that message I love you and your family‘s website and and it’s amazing to me the job at DU are doing as a family on your farm.

  7. All that is so sweet honest to God I wish I could have retracted that the second I hit send. I never even finished watching it before I responded and girl when I am wrong I am net and I was wrong and you have such a beautiful loving family it doesn’t freaking get any better than what you’re doing! I wish I live right next-door to you. I was a jerk to have judge that book before Seeing the entire content lesson learned. Have a beautiful Christmas season and enjoy every day that little fella brushing your hair that’s how he shows you have no Chi loves you and I could tell you love them to pieces and your husband adorable to

  8. That looked amazing. Our farms market here is fun and very small but we found a great bread supplier that uses super easy and healthy ingredients! I love it.

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