Their are some important things I learned from growing fruit trees, and I hope some of them can save you both time and money, and maybe a little frustration too.
CUCUMBERS, Everything You Need To Know!
Yeah planting sickness! Likewise! James, is there an argument to make by saying you can plant frost sensitive trees in your food forest because the trees collectively protect each other with heat radiation and will those cold sensitive trees grow without any damages? Even vegetables can be planted earlier in the season because the trees will protect them against that last surprise frost.
Perhaps you can find some people to take the trees you no longer want ? I allways hate waste.
This channel is gem …
thank you:-) and geoff Lawton.. my mentors.. have 50 fruit trees n chocks,, on less than 1/4 acre.. food forest doing very well.. have done wood chips on sandy soil
best advice ever@! New Zealand, Wellington
James,what is the spacing you use on your fruit trees? 8,10, 12 feet or do you just put them where you feel like and see what happens? thank you for you response in advance.
next year can you show the harvest of the prigioni apple
Thank you so much for your wisdom on fruit trees I myself want to purchase some land and grow my own fruit trees because I am a fruitarian I have no idea where to start but I really appreciate your videos thank you
You do it baby boy
, always kind commemt
James, I'm so glad I found you! I love your philosophy. It just makes so much sense. I planted 6 trees last year. 1 didn't make it. So because of you, I'm putting in a food Forrest. I've got an order in to ChipDrop for chips, and I called the fruit orchard near me (Jaemor Farms) and I'll be heading up there to purchase trees and berries that have been grown in my climate. So excited.
When you gonna drop a new vid man!!!!!???
I just made a video where I transplanted an apple tree that I planted from seed. Hope it fruits this year, Thanks for the inspiration.
Hi. I like your videos.
Do you put some weed stopper under the wood chips?
How you keep weeds under control?
Do you ever grow melons?
I have a question about mulberries. At what point could you hypothetically let them go "wild" and unmanaged and they will still
grow? I realize that a well managed and pruned tree will thrive better but I am just curious. How long after planting would you need to continue watering them until their root system is established enough to survive on rain?
I have a question about mulberries. At what point could you hypothetically let them go "wild" and unmanaged and they will still
grow? I realize that a well managed and pruned tree will thrive better but I am just curious. How long after planting would you need to continue watering them until their root system is established enough to survive on rain?
keep growing in every way…you are a great all your vids…so much they are keeping me up at night!
James, you have inspired me so much! But I have a dilemma.. I have four very LRG spuce trees in my backyard. (all taller than my 2 story house) Not only am I emotionally attached to them, but even if I wanted to remove them, it would cost me thousands of dollars as they are way too tall for me to do it myself.
Can you tell me what, if any fruit trees I can grow near Spruce trees and if I can grow any vegetables underneath them?
Important video cheers dude !
Im in the process of planting a 40-60 tree orchard in my back yard. I have 5 acres btw. I really hope it goes well. Im planning on having about 15 apples, 15 pears, 15 peach, and a mix of plum, pecan, and persimmon trees. Also a bunch of blue berry, strawberry, and black berry.
Annoying presentation style – I couldn't watch this guy. Too many trees, too many words, horrible camera angles and stupid Kermit the Frog accent.
Thanks for the video. I planted about 30 fruit trees around my pond last year and set up irragation from the pond and just pulled the trigger on about 30 more trees that are a little more un-common around my southern Louisiana area. I will get a video up and out in the next two weeks or so to share.
hey James big fan the stuff you do is wonderful and you got me hooked. I've been a small time gardener over the years but this year will be a little bigger. I am curremtly spreading 18 years of wood chips in my years (using your technic). I've leaned from your mistakes lol and I want to ask you for a list of fruit tress and bushes you feel are appropriate for Long Island. I am not to far from Port Jefferson so we do get high humidity in the summer. Love your videos and thanks for any help.
BUT,. if you can't afford anything else, DO IT and learn.
You can make a 12 dollar tree into a 1200 dollar tree with knowledge.
We’re these all bare root? Main goal for me is Honeycrisp. Looking to pollinate with Liberty. If liberty isn’t terrific pollinator I’m looking to add an Enterprise.
Great video! How many fruit trees do you have in your food forest?
I hope to plant my own food forest one day <3