June 10, 2024

VIDEO: Suburban Permaculture Garden, Backyard FOOD FOREST!

Suburban Permaculture Gardens are Productive and Functional. When Design is the main focus of your garden you are able to create a permaculture system like a food forest that works for you. A system that serves you, rather then you it. A garden that will increase in production each year with less work inputs. Remember you can’t eat from a tree you don’t plant.

19 thoughts on “VIDEO: Suburban Permaculture Garden, Backyard FOOD FOREST!

  1. Well, the snow has come, and my plants are now dead/dormant. Still, got lots of things to do – discounted seeds to buy, compost to buy, potting soil to buy, garden soil to buy, manure to buy, and my hugelkulter to work on.

  2. Thanks again James. Keep posting videos and I'll keep watching them. I find them very informative and interesting! You've inspired me to want my own food forest. I'll never have a lawn again.

  3. James u can dry some of those fruits and freeze them as well for smoothies. Same as vegetables. Tomatoes and carrots and so on…plus fruits u can juice and freeze them for winter to drink. Kale freezers really well for smoothies.

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