September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Beets Planted in September – Let’s Harvest Them!

2 successions of beets were planted this year. Let’s see how the last crop turned out with our short growing season.

.99 Heirloom Vegetable Seeds:
MIgardener Website
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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Beets Planted in September – Let’s Harvest Them!

  1. I planted beets on September 28. They are doing okay. First frost is usuall mid November here near Yosemite but I didn't get a frost until February last year. I'll put a tube tunnel over them

  2. This year in Madison WI , we had to much flooding ,, garlic ,, some tomatoes beans cucumber OK , SEEMS last two yrs. We had to much rain . Oh ya ,,rubbarb good. Some of the cheap raised beds were ruined and good dirt washed away and it looks like that's the weather to expect fm now on ???? We had about 4ft of water flowing in the back yard and around the house . Some seeped in the garage & basement and our neighbors basement window broke and water pored in . Everything ruined ,, furnace etc…We lived here sense 1962 and never had flooding or water in the basement until now . To much rain & when it does ,,it pours down 3,,4,inches at a time more wet lands to hold it .also to much construction . The worlds changing .

  3. Been waiting to harvest my Early Wonder Beets that I planted in September, I am encouraged by your video, plus we just had a light frost last night and tonight is another light frost, getting close to harvest time. Thanks for your video, I am always learning something from them. 🙂

  4. Question for anyone who can help!
    We have a pear tree that was there when we moved in my critters seem to get the fruit before it matures enough for us to harvest. Any tips or advice to prevent this from happening? Thanks!
    I'm new to the channel but I'm hoping to gain the knowledge and guidance I need to start a home vegetable garden in Ohio.

  5. i planted a huge bed of beets in early Aug after harvesting my first batch. i had dressed the top with fresh rich compost. they grew like weeds except very few developed bulbs. sad! i only got 4 quarts of pickled beets for the winter. my question: is succession planting not good or did i miss putting a key element in the ground to encourage root development?

  6. Beets are GREAT for juicing with fruits and kale. collards and even mustard greens!
    My granddaughter eats way more veggies and varieties if she can put them through my juicer first 😉

  7. in northerst Oregon, planting August-September gives me my best leaf crops. my best cabbage, my best carrots, my best broccoli (harvested febuary-march), great Bush peas and bush beans.

    The only thing that's best to plant earlier is fruiting plants like squash and melon and cucumber, flowers that take a long time to bloom.

    but fall is actually your best time to plant fresh fruit seeds like apple, pear, plum, etc etc

  8. I send my beat up leaves through the juicer. They add a great flavor! The good ones I mix with my Swiss chard greens and blanch, chop, and freeze and use them in sautés like most would spinach.

  9. Wow you grew beets into November in MI? That's a cool experiment. It's August and I pulled a beet today, a Detroit Red, that came out pretty small, 3/4" around maybe. I cut it up to add to a smoothie with its greens. HOWEVER, I took a small bite off one of the pieces I cut and it was HORRENDOUSLY bitter. Not bitter like oooo yuck (like the one I picked early that had white striping), no it was bitter like burn the back of my throat, freak me out, run to Google bitter. No exaggeration. I removed leaves and beet from smoothie and wondering if it's even ok to give to my worms! Any thoughts? There's not a lot out there about wickedly bitter beets. Per the packet they should be harvestable now. Thank you for your time!

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