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As someone who works in automation this is really cool to see working!
So cool! I would love to see how they plant, grow, and collect all of their seeds. It seems like no one in the world would be able to have enough space for that amount of plants!
Thank you so much for profiling BAKER CREEK HEIRLOOM SEED COMPANY! I am an avid seed-saver, but love to supplement my "seed stash" by exploring new and unusual (heirloom) varieties. BAKER CREEK feeds my passion for seeds — and my family gest healthy, flavorful, food in the process! Visiting BAKER CREEK's facility and attending their annual seed expo are both on my "bucket list". Until I can accomplish both goals in real life, I am grateful to you for allowing me to live vicariously through your eyes — as well as the eye of your camera. Thanks again! Many blessings to you and your family.
We love Baker Creek! Growing many of our favorites from their seeds!
This is so cool! I'm totally with you, my favorite part on Mr. Rogers was the how things are made. I used to watch the show "How It's Made" all the time! lol This has me totally geeking out. Life goal- going to Baker Creek!
I ordered my seeds from Baker Creek after watching your video! I already received my seeds and am so excited to start them next spring. I really like the free seed packets they gave me, too!
Just a few hours drive to their Wethersfield, CT location from my home. Let me know when you want to do a road trip okay!
Being a native pittsburgher (but now living for past 35 yrs "in the country") , I was amazed by the Mr. Rodgers reference you made…They just finished shooting the Movie downtown starring Tom Hanks recently…Thought you might find hat interesting !
"won"t you be my neighbor"
Huge, Huge Seed warehouse but nice to see the results of the journey of a 17 year olds dream…Always like a success story!
I noticed the road paralleling your Farm and was wondering if you guys/gals had a roadside fruit/vegetable stand for extra pickles, vegetables, goat cheese, micro greens, preserves etc…?
Thanks for sharing another episode and keep smiling …it looks good on you !
How awesome it would be if you were able to visit the seed vault in Norway?!
Oh my…this is amazing! I would love to do that
So loved the almost speechless part of this video…. you were soooo immersed in your passion & in awe of all the seeds!!!
You are like a kid in a candy store.
I wish I could come there to visit!
I think the two of you should just go holiday there and get swamped in seeds lol
Cool to see where my seeds come from! I've been a fan of Baker Creek Seeds ever since I was troubleshooting my parsley germination problems and noticed that the lady in the video had bought her seeds from Baker Creek. She never said the name, but she showed the packet. I've been growing the BEST Flat Leaf Italian Parsley ever since! I have about 20 plants this year. I also buy Koral Carrots and most of my tomato seeds from Baker Creek. I definitely want to visit their compound one day. Should I go during the May seed 'festival' or just anytime?
Love this vedeo
Omg I couldn’t stop laughing! Miah with his “accent” and ah seriously I would have filled that basket with seeds!! My husband would have to drag me from the store lol.

thank you for taking us along!
And honestly this company is so amazing and fast with their shipping. I have run their poor packers ragged this year with all my ordering.
There’s no place like Baker creek! It’s like being over the rainbow. Oh yes there must be seeds!!
One of my favorite things about them is the free shipping!!!
So great I had to share into the Facebook group!
that is so cool
1000 orders a day? That is crazy! I wonder how many they do in a season..