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Today, Jeremiah is getting some broken IBC containers and repurposing them into pig houses.
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What a cool idea!
Great video! Enjoyed the lesson. And how you work together.
Very versatile piece ,those big tubs. Pig house, chicken house, dog house, rain barrel, etc. I think I'd use the iron bar part as a compost pile holder….nice job
Good job miah
Nice score on getting them for free. Totes cost between 40-75 bucks around here.
that's a handy way of giving pigs a shelter I don't think I would of thought of using plastic container's like that
I keep turtles in mine. I cut the entire top off and soaked it for a full day, drained it and soaked it again. I think it contained paint. So after the second soaking I refilled it and tossed a pair of angelfish in there to test. It is too hot here to use as a house for anything else but aquatics.
Awesome project Jeremiah!
Awesome resourcefulness.
Yes Lumna Acres uses the same totes. Great idea.
Jeremiah you were great. You seemed to be very comfortable so hope to see you more. Jess won't mind, will you?
Great recycle
Great job Jeremiah! Keep the how too's coming. Are you still doing ministry on the side or full time? My husband has been in ministry also through the years as a youth minister and choir director. He also use to play a mean guitar. He use to travel and play with our youth minister before we were married. How do you serve when you do ministry? I bless you and your whole family.
Jess what was that on your camera? I have a Cannon Rebel that my sweet husband got for me.
What kind of business do you find these at? I do plan on searching fb and craigslist, but I would think they'd be cheaper straight from a business (If they're defective).
Great job, Jeremiah, with the vlog and with the new homes. It looks like a good idea and seemed to work well. The best is how you think outside the box, they were free and the piggies will be warm. Love kitten George.
Good idea! Have they held up to wind? Maybe they aren't that light.
Love you Jess but it is great seeing Jeremiah taking over!
And I like those pens, such a simple but effective temporary design
I got one of these totes for free. We rent a place with a small garden, which has that awful fake grass. No growing opportunity. My dad cut them in half (they didn’t contain any toxic chemicals previously) put in drainage now that’s my raised garden beds!
I just need to find a way to cover them and make them look pretty… any ideas?
Repurposing those old tanks for housing is a fabulous idea!
Really random but I like that y’all say whenever instead of when. I don’t know why but I think it’s kinda cute haha
Have you guys ever thought of doing aquaponics?
Have you ever used hogs to till a garden plot?
I love recycling projects
I used the ibc totes for my fish farm. Ever considered raising fish to supplement protein?