This episode shows the 3 most influential things that got me into self-sufficiency and growing my own food on our small acreage homestead. Series playlist
This is the fifth episode in our growing food in small spaces series ( see Ep1 here and Ep2 and Ep3 and #p4 )
This episode and video series were created with the help of Creator Queensland (a QLD Govt and YouTube initiative) and Griffith University.
The following student crew from LiveLabs helped create the “Growing Food in Small Spaces” series as part of their film course final assessment:
Scott Nolan – Director
Emma Adin – Unit Manager/2nd AD
Karlee Catalano – 1st AD
Sophie Cross – Camera
Phoebe Ireland – Data Wrangler
Tom Davison – Camera
Kenny Waterson – Sound Recordist
Hugo Hood – Production Assist
Patrick Mahon – Continuity
This series was certainly a great learning experience for me as well as being a fun project to help create – thanks to all who made this possible.
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
G'day Everyone! Here's the series playlist link thanks for your support and feedback during this series release. Cheers
Great story. Very inspiring!!
You have such an enjoyable way about you. I always enjoy your videos and sense of humor. But…
When you talked about you and your wife deciding what to do with your kids, I got worried. I thought, “Oh my God. They got rid of their children!” Of course I listened further and got the truth. Phew!
thanks so much for sharing your stories with us.. really appreciate it.. your videos continue to inspire even years later.. Ive just found you (2021).. have subscribed and have many videos to catch up on… looking forward to a great 2021 actually… cheers
Oh, what I wouldn't give for a piece of land like this!
Of course, I don't have the health now to do what you did with it (my heart is damaged due to long term stress and massive trauma – the result of a very abusive relationship for 20 years) but I'd still give it a go.
I am now with a lovely guy who treats me well, and he brings in better money than my ex ever did, lol! so maybe we'd just throw lots of money at the situation in the form of physical labour to do the bigger jobs that I can no longer do.
We already have 3 chickens, and I have plans to put in a few raised garden beds (have to because the soil is EXTREMELY poor around here) because i want to grow food and herbs, and other fun stuff, like big woody gourds for carving and maybe some loofas…because they're fun to grow!
I learn so much from this channel, and have already watched many, many episodes, and they've all been such an inspiration!
Thank you for sharing so much with us! It's such crucial useful information that really everyone who has a yard should have a go at, if they can.
Even if you rent, there's still so much you can do!
Your life choices seem to have been inspired by a greater, spiritually rich guiding light. It’s no surprise to me that you are now reaping the fruits of those blessed decisions.
loving your channel. nice to hear your backstory Mark
Thank you for sharing your history and how to be self sufficient. Just got into gardening cuz of the pandemic and came across your videos. I’m going through your old stuff to learn as much as I can for this year’s garden. We planted last year and did ok, but for sure didn’t do it right. I want to do better this year. I applaud you and your wife! Well done and continued success!
Takes a REAL man to be a Home Dad.
Good on ya!
What injuries did you aquire?
Nice to know about u lot
Home c aarger is a hard gig
Thanks for sharing your passion. You are a great mentor in so many ways. I am inspired.
Thank you for sharing this Mark. You are a beacon of light & love in this world.
Awesome story! Your kids are lucky to have you! I wish more parents would see the value in focusing on their children during those critical years, building relationships and bonds stronger! You can’t beat gardening together for health benefits!
I love your story …and I love your videos . ..learning a lot !
Dude I love you you are like the superman awesome your wife is lucky!!!
For the algorithm
For the algorithm
I’m really like that I move to acreage when I was 4 from Sydney and I’ve been doing the same.
What an excellent message that really resonates with me, also. You just gained a new subscriber, my friend. I'm looking forward to spending some quality time catching up on your content. Have a great day!
Wow you have more than a million subscribers now. Amazing.
I always enjoyed your videos. This was a great one on knowing how you started.