May 29, 2024

VIDEO: Fluency in Love (He Cares About the Cowprint) | DEVOTIONAL | Roots and Refuge Farm

This may be one one of the most vulnerable moments so far on our channel. Today I’m sharing a journey I’ve walked on with God in becoming fluent in the languages of love. I pray this brings freedom to the hearts of whomever it’s meant to reach.

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Fluency in Love (He Cares About the Cowprint) | DEVOTIONAL | Roots and Refuge Farm

  1. When you started talking about the touch part…that's me. I don't like to be touched. I've been that way since I was a kid. I'm definitely broken in many ways and constantly pray for God to help me with this. I don't want to be bitter and angry. I want to love like Jesus loves. I don't feel love. I don't think anyone has ever truly loved me in my entire life. I've dealt with a lot of narcissistic abuse from my family and relationships. I love to help others and want to do things for people, I guess that's my way of showing love, but it's an invitation for people to take advantage of. So once they know they can use me and get me to do things, even things I don't want to do by way of guilt, intimidation, etc. they will do that to get what they want. That hurts because you think the person loves you, when really they don't care about your feelings or how much they're taking advantage. I could not feel well and they'd still ask me to do things for them not caring that I'm not feeling well. Forget about getting help when I am not able to do things myself because of my health issues. So I push through, angry and bitter. I don't want to be like this. I know once I get away from the abuse it'll be a little better, but I still don't know if I'd ever trust anyone to get close because I'd be afraid that they would do the same thing everyone else has.
    Sorry for the novel. It just stinks that people who are supposed to love you treat you like this. I can understand that other people deal with their own things and are broken too, but they know what they're doing and don't care. That's what makes it so hard. Anyway, thank you for this. I heard you talk about this on your life stream today. Please pray for me. God bless you Jess. Thank you.

  2. I started looking around on your channel and found the devotionals. I clicked on this one because my pastors have been preaching on love for several weeks and this one resonated with me. With the quarantine still in effect (Minneapolis) my churches have been live-streaming . I was talking with a friend (who get to see friends any more?) about the messages from the previous week. After listening to this devotional I knew I wanted to share with other friends. I’ve had nothing but positive texts and response to your message. I had another in-depth conversation with my friend I talked to on the phone yesterday and we talked about the devotional. She shared that she had been deeply touched by the message. She also forwarded it on to her Mom and Grandma – they had a conference call talk the day before yesterday about it. She said she was surprised because she usually only listens to her pastor – and a few others. When the same Word (or message) is being spoken in the body – no matter when spoken – we are all blessed. Just know you touched a wide swathe of my friends. Let’s all speak our truth with confidence and know if we are inspired to speak / doesn’t matter when or where it’s heard / blessings follow. Thank you!!

  3. i have been there with the feeling of not wanting to be touched. was sexually abused as a child two different times from a person i had trust in. took me many years of therapy and strength and faith in God to get over it. Been there – i understand and i agree with what you say.

  4. i am now 65 – very strong in faith, healed in many things and able help others coming from the same type of background. i am now handicapped and now physically able to do much but i can help this way

  5. You are wise beyond your years. Sorry you had to endure such hardship, but truely God is speaking through you. Thank you, and Praise God. I don't share videos often, but felt compelled to share this. God bless you too!

  6. It's crazy that i had your videos playing while I was cleaning and this was the next one that came on. I needed to hear this so much. I've never related to someone so much… which is why I watch your videos in the first place. I'm having a hard time and this is exactly what I needed!

  7. Sister, Praise or Father God! He has placed you in a place…there are days like today that my heart was craving the Word. These are the words my soul desperately needed today.

  8. I used to do the same thing , I love helping people … when I was little , my Grandma lived in an Old People's Apt Building acrossed the street from us , I was raised by my Oldest Sister , and I would take them Bologna , Cheese and Crackers over on Sat and Sunday's and my Grandma was so proud of me, LOL She truly loved me…

  9. Jess this message hit me so hard. I have never really believed in anything, I have been such a cold and closed person for so long and I have been so unwilling to connect with anyone because I didn't want to hurt anymore.
    I firmly believe I stumbled on your youtube channel for a reason, but it wasn't a stumble, I think I was shown the way. I think I was brought here. I was just looking for advice and help on seed saving, about 6 months before Covid kicked off I just felt something, some urge, some deep force and feeling telling me I should learn to grow things. Your seed saving video came up as one of the top suggestions on Google and I was just drawn to your video above the others, I can't explain why. I watched all of your gardening tips videos, then I watched your garden tours, then a devotional played. My immediate thought was to skip it because that's not why I thought I was there. But I didn't, I watched and I listened, I heard your words and I felt them deep within me. It made me emotional. So I watched more of your devotional videos, and more and more your words just made me reflect on myself. I started looking at my own life, and at the things I had longed for that somehow just appeared out of no-where with no explanation. I am looking at my self and my flaws, my life driven by fear and the things I have done out of fear. I never even realised how driven by fear my life was, is. I have no idea what is happening, I have no idea why I am feeling things I have never felt, I feel I am being drawn to self healing and to self sufficiency. I can't explain the things I am being drawn to that I have actively turned my back to so intentionally in the past. I don't even know why I felt the need to write my thoughts here and I have no idea what I am even trying to convey, I just felt I needed to speak, to say I am grateful to have found you and I am grateful that you share, because I don't feel that my thoughts and feelings are so alien now.

  10. Thank you so much for sharing this. It really hit home. Thank you for sharing the beautiful love, humility, and wisdom you are blessed with and for answering God's call evn when it means being vulnerable. This one really it hit home. God bless

  11. After this past Christmas, I really wanted a new Christmas tree. But everywhere I went they were really expensive. I was like well not this year. Weeks after I stopped seeing trees, I walked into a store and there they were. I paid $15 for a 8 ' BEAUTIFUL tree and a 5 ' BEAUTIFUL tree for $5. One for my home and one for my classroom. $20 total PRAISE GOD

  12. Love that book and this perspective on the love languages. It resonates so strongly as gifts are one of my biggest struggles. I wonder if you can apply it to the people who were too broken to fulfill their commitments to you recently. I can see how I can use it in my life starting today. Thank you!

  13. Wow. Yes. I always said I wasnt a hugger either. Sometimes I dont even recognize how bad I need one until my Husband pulls me aside and hugs me and I break down. I'm getting better at it. It helps a lot.

  14. I wish there was a love button, a thumbs up like isn't enough! I have watched you for years and somehow I missed this one. God timing is perfect! Thank you for allowing yourself to be vulnerable. You live your life in the public eye and to confess Christ and God in all His awe, love and goodness, no wonder He is pouring out His blessings on your life. I'm sure you make our Father smile, thank you sister for your obedience! May God continue to use and bless your life. You have sure given me something to think and pray about.

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