March 25, 2025

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: SOIL Health for FEEDING the WORLD

  1. thanks for this story we all need to take part in growing are own food we all need to stay woke and have to shout out with a loud voice that we do not want to have non GMO food /if you can do videos that speak to why you choose to grow organically and the challenges that you face as a farmer that would help people understand the importance of the work that you do I love your videos very informative keep up the good work

  2. Agribusiness grows food first for profit, then to "feed" the people, who do not care to be watchdogs over what these corporations are actually doing to the food in the name of science….

  3. Hi Mark,

    Merry Christmas to you and yours
    As you know I have great respect for yourself and your approach to soil focused agriculture

    I have read through the comments and would like to clarify that GMO (genetically modified organisms) which can use gene splicing between plants and animals is not the same as CRISPR

    CRISPR is used to directly modify the dna of plants/animals/humans

    It really is a groundbreaking genetic technology which can be used to correct a growing number of DNA based disease's

    Think of GMO as Frankenstein and CRISPR as a gift from the heavens

    No need for splicing animal genes into plants as with GMO, CRISPR allows us to create bespoke plants by modifying their DNA directly

    Do look at CRISPR Papers on the web and give everyone your opinion as to why we should or should not use it for accelerated plant breeding

    If you want to know the truth, be of no opinion

  4. Very eye opening Mark-thanks for bringing this to us. I would like to see more videos just like this Mark. It is so important. I hope you and all your family and friends have a beautiful Christmas Holiday Season.

  5. I look forward what you are going to uncover. Im not sure ‘organic’ necessarily implies nutrients. On the contrary as I look at organic growers in CA I’m not sure they are solving for nutrients. I think you will point us to the way to have both organic and nutrient dense foods. Thank you

  6. Thank you for sharing and Merry Christmas, Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to you and your family. I'm trying to grow more organic and nutrient dense food for my family here in Arizona. This year alone we have increased our top soil with compost, amendments and covered with wood chip mulch and planted numerous trees (Moringa, citrus, fig, and assorted other fruit trees).

  7. UGH I hate that they are putting this greed driven garbage in kids heads. As FFA let's hope they do their own research. Merry Christmas to you and your family Mark, looking forward to your soil health info, Happy New (growing) Year 🙂

  8. That’s the worst I’ve ever seen!!! They’re creating people who are blinded by people who don’t care about our health! I’m glad I’m a backyard gardener and I enjoy my organic food
    Science is poopoo and farmers should be ashamed of themselves! I’m sure they get government subsidies

  9. Back 2013 I was involved with 4H and The GMO or GE companies were giving lots of money and rewriting the teaching material that the 4H was using. I think FFA is doing the same thing.

  10. I have a community garden in town, What is grown is totally free to pick, by anyone, any time, no questions asked. Of the 3-5000 sqft of greens.. I'd say there have been maybe.. maybe 10 people pick a trash bag full each time.. and that's it. basically, we have to BEG people to pick it. The area is also in the middle of an obesity crisis.

    So.. sounds like people are hungry to me. Malnourished very likely.. and yes, you can be obese and malnourished at the same time. The problem is overproduction of the wrong thing, the massive waste of what is produced, and.. well. you know.

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