June 8, 2024

VIDEO: My 3 Biggest Gardening Lessons in 2018

What did you learn this year in the garden?! My good friend Steven Cornett over at Nature’s Always Right challenged me to come up with the top gardening lessons I learned this year. 2018 was a huge year for Epic Gardening, with the completion of my urban gardening book (coming out 2019) and an overall expansion of my the ways I’m growing plants and my knowledge in general.

Without further ado, my top 3 lessons are:

1. The Soil Food Web
2. Making gardening part of your lifestyle vs. a thing you “do”
3. Consistency


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18 thoughts on “VIDEO: My 3 Biggest Gardening Lessons in 2018

  1. Soil food web? Organic gardening. SUB'D. You teach the same things I do. Gardening is all about the life in the soil. Not plants. Plants come when you have healthy soil. I make videos on cold climate permaculture if you are interested in seeing what I do. Okay, I'm going to dig into your vids now, cheers!

  2. This may be a little basic, but I learned that the amount of sunlight my yard gets is deceiving. I planted hydrangeas between my neighbor's house and mine. This shady spot converted to full sun in the afternoon and my hydrangeas fried in the Texas heat. :-(.

  3. Very informative! Greatest lesson for 2018: i thought i knew gardening, but i came to the realization that i hv no idea. I know very little about what goes on below the surface of my plants. I think i can throw worm castings, manure, bone/blood meal and slow release fertilizer and hv the best soil ever. Boy am i wrong. I need to “understand” whats going on.

  4. All very good points worth putting into practice! I learned this year that I need to stick to my planting plan and layout so that I don't over-crowd plants. After it was too late in the season I realized everything was struggling for space and sunlight due to putting things in too closely or in the wrong spots. Live and Learn! Thanks Kevin!

  5. very interesting video, but unfortunately I suffer from wormphobia (if that's even a thing), which makes it impossible even saying that word, so I'd definitely wouldn't read a book like that. :/

    My biggest 2018 gardening lessons were: water less (lol), be patient and a constant reminder to myself about how AMAZING nature is. <3

    Καλές γιορτές!!!! ^_^

  6. As mentioned about preparing the soil for next year. Just constantly strive to be better and all else will fall into place. I've shared lessons I've learned with many people that I've worked and with kids that have grown up around me. It's really pretty simple.

    Concentrate on concentrating.
    If you do good you get good
    If you do bad you get bad

  7. I love your videos and knowledge you provide. I am new to gardening, and one of my garden boxes has developed what I think is white fungus. The area appears white in the morning but yellow in the evening. Can you please help?

  8. "Chore-ish" — yep, that is a key point for me. I found a sense of resentment towards my garden mntc this summer….sigh. We have both survived the summer, the garden and me, and I look forward to a bit more positive emotions out there as the weather cools down.

  9. I know I'm real late to the party, but the way I found to get me out in the garden almost every day to look around is this. My flagpole is in the center and I put my flag out everyday (unless I won't be home before dark) and so that actually gets me out there twice a day. I always see something that will only take a second! I love to see the lizards and the bees etc.

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