June 8, 2024

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Happy New Year 2019! (On Crutches)

  1. Some years ago when I was recovering from a torn retina, a friend sent me a card that said
    "Enjoy the down times, they are a gift". So, hit the couch with a blanket and a seed catalog
    in hand and plan the hell out of your next garden. And , yes Arnica, always Arnica for any
    kind of sprains or bruises , it relieves the swelling.
    The new year will seem a lot better when you have a plan. Take care of each other.

  2. I have just recently stumbled upon your channel here in southern NH. just wanted to say thank you for all the great videos, but most of all this video….. there is always a way. close a door open a window. keep up the PMA and the great tutorials

  3. My wife and I really appreciate watching you guys. I found your channel when I was searching Northern Quebec a few years ago. You hooked us with that tremendous trip to James Bay. Many blessings to you and speedy recovery.

  4. As a relatively "Old Guy" (67) I commend your thinking, if there's one thing I have learnt in life it's that s–t happens, but I've also accepted that it happens to everyone, it's very easy to get into the "why me?" mindset but that only accentuates the negativity. You Guys are great, enjoy 2019, I look forward to more "veggie" vids. Take Care.

  5. Ligaments can often be more challenging to heal as compared to bone. Been there – done that. But thank you two for making this collection of videos. With the continual barrage of deeply depressing news day in and day out, your channel is a welcome (and much needed) sigh of relief. =)

  6. I just found your videos on your garden project. I am working on developing a permaculture food forest on about 14 acres of property in Western Washington. I am very interested in learning about the results of your garden projects. Please keep posting your videos!

  7. happy new year and it could have been so much worse!
    it is a blessing that gave you timne to sit back and contemplate and reflect and enjoy time with your wife.
    a true blessing indeed.
    i am looking forward to the 2019 growing season as well may it bring you much joy and prosparity

  8. Hey guys I just found your channel a few days ago! I am in central Florida and for the first time started growing some food! Came across your Vids and I'm working my way through. This actually all started because I have been laid up for a while. I'm still working to be as intentional as you guys are, but I've been doing it whole fighting against… Non-partners. I'm glad you two have each other, and thank you for showing me what we can achieve when we work towards things.

  9. Just found your you-tube on potato growing (or tuber growing in hay!) – very helpful, thanks. Sorry to discover you're now on crutches, but may it give plenty of time to think and plan. The unexpected interrupted my life when I broke my wrist in 2017 – but I discovered a lot of love in those who cared for me while I was healing: It helped me appreciate the work of the medical professions and the amazing way God designed our bodies (We appreciate what we have so much more when we can't use one of our faculties!). As all the others have said – you can't rush the healing, but it will come! God bless you and give your wife strength and patience too – may 2019 be the best ever!

  10. I hope you and Paula do have the best year! Maybe the universe is setting you up for something fantastic. Something that requires you to sit and plan. Keep the positive thoughts going! And no need for guilt to enjoy a movie and cuddle day!

  11. I like that you are level headed.
    So the year is a human concept . There is no good year or bad year.
    It is a continuous days we split into months and year to calculate the seasons even before we understood that is because of earths rotation.
    Celebrating birthday, new year etc doesn’t make any sense in that context.

  12. Hay there, enjoying the videos so thanks. Don't feel too embarrassed, few mounts back slipped and fell in the shower because of some soap. Landed on my side and ended up cracking 3 ribs.
    Get well soon.

  13. Life is indeed tough…as my 18 year old son lay dying of cancer he turned to catch my tired and saddened face to say, " It's not so bad mom, really. Look at all the good things that have happened because of this. You have so much to be thankful for. It is beautiful that you can see it. Happy Belated New Year.

  14. hi Derek, I am from Austria / Europe, my wife is actually from Edmonton. My sister started Ruth Stout potatos last week, I will start it next week. Great job, congratulation. Next year we will be again in Canada at dad in laws 90th. tx for your beautiful vlog, keep it going, I love it very much! best regards from europe, Heli Retzek, http://www.homeopathy.at

  15. My mother slipped and fell on the ice a week before Christmas. Came home all black and blue and swollen. I work in a hospital. I told her I think it's broken you should go to the hospital. She said no no no I could still move my fingers! It's just a bad sprain it'll be better in the morning.
    This was on a Monday
    Tuesday I told you that goes to hospital and she said no
    Wednesday I told her to go to the hospital she said no
    Thursday I told her to go to the hospital she said no
    Friday I told her to go to the hospital she said no
    Saturday her friend who is a former nurse tell her to go to the hospital or she is calling 911 and will be taking there by force.
    finally my mother listens to somebody other than me because what the f*** do I know? Guess what? Yes it is broken.
    I mean after all I just work in the hospital. Not like I see broken limbs every day. I guess what I'm trying to say is good on you for feeling pain and getting it checked out rather than just sucking it up cuz you don't want to sit in a waiting room for an hour or two. Common Sense can be a rare thing indeed

  16. sorry that happened to you, 2018 was junk – in order for your body to absorb "oxygen" it needs "iron" – spinach is a good one, kale dark green leafy lettuces, raisins, I'm a vegan I fell off a 12' ladder hard on to cement and zero injuries it didn't even hurt, I eat fresh spinach everyday, just an idea. my view

  17. It's now well into July 2019, so I hope you've fully recovered from your sprain and torn ligaments. You mentioned that you and your wife were more reflective during the winter, as you were unable to cross country ski due to your injury. What did you actually learn from the not-so-great year 2018? I look forward to seeing your new videos.

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