March 27, 2025

VIDEO: Soil Pt2 How to Start & GROW Nutrient DENSE Vegetables & Fruits No Till Garden Beginners Series

SOIL Pt2 How to Start & GROW Nutrient DENSE Fruits & Vegetables No Till Garden Improvement Series. How to Build & Grow Garden Soil for beginners method.

Link to PART 3 : .

Soil Pt 3 How to Grow Nutrient DENSE Vegetables…. LINK :


Russell Hedrick :

LINK to Subscribe to My CHANNEL :

Back to Eden Organic Gardening 101 Method with Wood Chips VS Leaves Composting Garden Soil #2 : .

How to Build a Raised Wood Chip Organic Gardening Bed for beginners, Cheap Designs – Part 1. .

#gardening #notill #howtostartavegetablegarden

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Soil Pt2 How to Start & GROW Nutrient DENSE Vegetables & Fruits No Till Garden Beginners Series

  1. Really enjoy your videos Mark and Thank you for sharing.I watched both videos you linked to.Both Gabe & Russ discussed the use of grazing animals on their your previous videos you said you wouldn't use manures and your reasons why.Is there place for using grazing animals in the type of farming you practice?

  2. Mark, a word of caution. That little decide seems to good to be true. Real spectrometers are very expensive. I wouldn't invest a dime until an independent verdict is in.

  3. Mark can you do a video on how we backyard gardeners with raised beds could utilize these methods? Some of us use square ft gardening and it may be a little confusing how this should be done. I watched your tomato and sunflower raised bed video but it would not be practical for me having only limited sunlight and space for plants requiring that much sunlight. Thanks for all you have shown us.

  4. Hi Marc, thanks a lot for your very interesting and eye opening vidio clips. I will definitely try to apply it even thou its not so easy if one lives in a desert inviroment. Please excuse my spelling, i am dislexic and not English mothertougne.
    Happy growing from Ernst Ritter, Namibia

  5. Hi Mark, I've been enjoying your videos for such a long time that I finally had to subscribe. Never subscribed to anyone's channel before.
    I have a 16'x4'x2' planter bed directly connecting to the earth (no bottom).
    If I filled it up completely with native soil and used this cover crop method…….would this work or would the native soil still turn hard?
    Would love to see a video on this.
    Thanks for all your great videos!

  6. I am enjoying your gardening series. It is helping me to understand why I've been having such troubles with my container gardening attempts. Gives me more reason to get my debt paid down and buy homestead land asap. I am going to implement your video into our homeschool learning for my kiddos. Thanks!

  7. I viewed a series on soil biology and nutrient development with Dan Kittredge and the Bionutrient Food Association back in early 2017. Dan had mentioned they were working this device . It will be a game changer when verified and release. Dan did mention this was a private venture with no oversight or influences as well. Great to see you are providing it in your series.

  8. Was glad to see you link to Gabe Brown's channel as I have been implementing some of his field/grazing techniques the last 2 years with our small herd of cattle. He has excellent soil management techniques as well and has proven the soil/animal web system provides bumper results without the aid of industrial inputs as you mentioned.
    With your channels you are both working to change the way we see soil management, it's an exciting journey to be with you both!

  9. Great video! Very informative! I'm in NJ and grew tomatoes, in containers, for the first time last year. I was going to try a few other vegetables on raised beds (4×4) this year because the dirt was never prepared and has a lot of rocks and weeds. Since the natural soil is the way to go, how would you suggest getting it ready for the first time?

  10. How do you go about sowing in a plot of rye without a tractor? if i wack it down and then sow my corn the rye will surely grow back and faster than the corn (corn grows very slowly in Denmark)

  11. In preparing a new garden plot, will planting a good poly culture species cover crop during the Fall and Winter, followed by crimping, be sufficient to prepare the plot for planting in the Spring? I've been watching someone else who says that you need to dig out the invasive weeds and then roto till and dig out the invasive weeds and roto till again in order to get rid of invasive species of weeds and grasses. The man who is teaching this method says that after you do all this roto tilling the first season then from that point on you can practice "No Till" from that point on. The main question I am asking is whether or not the cover crop will eventually dominate and then choke out the invasive weeds and grasses without all the roto tilling.

  12. I sure appreciate how you introduce yourself right from the beginning by name, state and USDA zone! It’s very helpful, since what works in one place and what plants grow there does NOT always work or grow in other climates, although the principles are the same. Dunno why every YouTube gardening pro doesn’t do the same.

    I love your efforts to grow the most nutritious possible veggies, too! I know most varieties have been bred for transportability and possibly sweetness, not for nutrient density because it doesn’t increase profits. But it makes the world a better place; keep up the good work!

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