March 25, 2025

VIDEO: The Top 5 Mistakes I Made As a Beginning Gardener

We all make mistakes as gardeners, it happens and it is part of the learning process. Some mistakes however can be avoided by knowing the mistakes others have made. We aren’t perfect, so i figured I would share my top 5 mistakes I made beginning gardening. Check out our new clothing line!

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Top 5 Mistakes I Made As a Beginning Gardener

  1. I'm extremely GUILTY OF ALL 5 MISTAKES you mentioned. Though far from good, my garden did better when it was badly neglected when I was very sick for 6yrs, but a few months ago I felt a bit better & decided to make up for the yrs of neglect, & made all 5 mistakes which has nearly literally killed my plants with 'kindness' & cost me heaps of unnecessary expense, work & negative consequences. My 12 blueberry bushes, celery etc etc are now seriously damaged/diseased by over fertilizing them which stressed them & made them susceptible to the severe fungus 'Septoria'. This was made worse by having over crowded the plants so the fungus spread rapidly through all my plants & veg because they were rubbing up against each other. I'd only learned earlier today that I'd caused the disease myself accidentally by over-fertilizing (including too much nitrogen), which is what caused me to watch this video 2nite, being confident I'd know what most of the mistakes would be that you'd mention. Whilst my plants were badly neglected for yrs they never suffered from such a severe destructive fungus. I now have a huge task repairing the damage. Plus i have dozens of new expensive packets of seeds I'll never use,m[plus masses of fertilizers etc that will now last for the next 20yrs, & some I'll throw away. So I had to laugh at myself heaps (whilst grimmacing).as U shared each & every mistake that I've been totally guilty of.

  2. I have a concern
    Gardening this year could be fruitless
    Apparently this is the year for the cicada/locus… So if they’re going to eat everything white plant it can I get your thoughts on it and what you can do if you do plant

  3. Definitely don’t go for “professional” soil, you can make 3 times more soil for like $20 if you buy the peat, manure, and pearlite, then blend all that with some fine compost, perfect soil.

  4. My biggest mistake this year so far – starting my seedlings wayyyy too early. My cucumbers and squash are already putting flowers and I still haven't transplanted them out yet due to cold nights… but tomorrow is the day. Will they still produce or should I just restart some new seeds at this point?

  5. I hear ya! I've been gardening for 10 year's now and it's only be the past 3 year's that I've actually been learning from my mistakes. I found one of my biggest mistakes was that I wasn't using mulch. I had a 200' inground bed and ever year it be overrun with weeds. Then I discovered the Routh Stout method and that made a big difference.

  6. I have to live to 140 years to use all the seeds I've bought. Lots of enthusiasm I want to grow everything! I have probably been over watering. I watch videos and think "oh I need that and Amazon delivers it then I forget what I needed it for. But I watched Luke's video about re-mineralizing soil for spring and was reminded why I got that amazonite. LOL

  7. Luke is the Mr. Rogers of gardening. He give’s so much great advice in gardening that my young sons and I can enjoy.
    In that, I mean that we watch these videos, and learn together. I learn to fertilize, and space. They can learn to space and harvest, etc.
    Luke doesn’t swear, and is usually positive. He is a great example for my kids. He’s great! He’s great for kids.

  8. I think my #1 mistake was sowing 1 seed per seedling pot, and then being shocked I only got 8 out of 12 seeds germinate. Then killing 5 seedlings, and that's how I ended up with 3 out of 12 tomato plants for my 1st gardening season.
    The next year I sowed 4 in each pot to make sure I got the exact number of tomato plants I wanted, but ended up wasting a lot.

  9. Great info for me as a new gardener. I am starting a 20×20 on a new space. I expect to spend a little too much this year but plan on using reusable products. You keep teaching I keep watching. Havagudun bud.

  10. I usually buy my plants at lowes when they are on the cheap side like 30 s 20s and even 10s dollar range . And plant them straight into the ground and water . And this is the second year on my mom's blackberries budding this spring . Always get the cheap end on plants while shopping . Saves you lots of money .

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