March 18, 2025

VIDEO: How to Grow Bay Leaves (Bay Laurel) – Complete Growing Guide

The bay laurel tree is responsible for all the bay leaves you use in cooking. It is easy to grow, delicious, and will save you tons of money! Not to mention growing it is beautiful and so much fresher. Check out our new clothing line!

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Bay Leaves (Bay Laurel) – Complete Growing Guide

  1. Great channel! However, I will say you must water bay trees every day throughout the summer here in Zone 9a. Otherwise, growth will stall and the leaves will become scorched. Also, I live in the Houston area. We have 50% humidity EVERY DAY. I’ve grown and propagated bay trees for over 15 years and have never had trouble with powdery mildew. They’re a lot easier to grow than you might think. The only killer is hard freezes.

  2. Your video has been very informative. I thank you. I am attempting to grow my first Calif bay laurel tree in Phoenix AZ. You mention PH level in your video. What is the suggested PH level for this type of bay laurel?

  3. I am trying for a second time to grow bay laurel but I leave mine outside, full sun, in central Texas. It gets mostly rain water which has been often lately. Is it ok or should I bring inside?

  4. I love our bay tree. I bought it from a nursery in a tiny pot. My husband planted it in our front yard and now it stands over 10 feet. It’s gorgeous and we enjoy the bay leaves. We didn’t do anything special to the soil. We just planted it and forgot about it.

  5. I have a 1.5m bay tree in a pot outside my kitchen (in Cambridge UK, with a rainfall akin to Seattle). It stays outside all year – including periods of sub-zero (centigrade) temperatures. It is doing fine.

  6. Hello, is Bay Laurel the specie where rats hate the smell of the leaves and run away? In that case I would love to plant it around my house. Thanks. And where could one buy one in south Florida? Anybody know?

  7. I’m going to be moving to Tennessee soon. Can i grow this in a pot forever or does it need to go into the ground? I figured I’d move it inside if it got to cold or snowy

  8. I just received two bay leaf small plants that I ordered. I was in the process of researching and your video is very timely!!! Thank you, as I will be transplanting them next month, so thank you again!!!!!

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