How to introduce new birds to your flock! Time to introduce a new Cream Legbar Rooster, Romeo! Let’s hope this works out!
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If you want to *prevent Frostbite, salves & bag balms are best. If you want to prevent pecking and promote healing because you have that issue, use Vetericyn & Blu Kote. Let Vetericyn DRY & then add Blu Kote for more healing and to cover bleeding. These approaches are what we do. We have never had major issue. Ever. THANK YOU! xoxo
We have a little Frizzle rooster and he’s so aggressive to us. Raised him as a chick and held him all the time. Don’t know what to do.
Thank you for this information. I assume the same idea would be done if introducing a new hen?
Gotta love that chicken lady! I'm really looking forward to getting back out of town and tending a few birds of my own. One question: Why do you need a goose in enclosed runs?
Never knew you would have to do that. But is something to think about. Thanks for the information.
Romeo is gorgeous! Look at that waddle! He’ll knock your ladies socks off.
Good Luck Romeo.
I have had some chicks near where the hens are for over a month. They are in their own run and the hens walk right next to it. I was going to let them all walk around in the same area this weekend while I am close by working on projects because I need to transition the new gals, who are over 3 months old now, into the coop. Especially with it so cold because I do have one heat lamp I could put on a timer to just warm up the air in it at night once. Do you know it works just because they do not pick on each other any more? Or is there some other sign I should be watching for?
You cut your hair!
Just put some Bag Balm on my Lavender Orpington. His name is Romeo too.
I have a question, I just bought 2 hens and one Roster (Faverolles) I have some EE's but I want to start going this way for my birds from now on. I would like to incubate some eggs this coming spring with these new ones. But if i do get some baby hens can I use them in the future to breed to there father? I don't know enough about line breeding with chickens. Can you even do that?
Good luck Romeo!
In case you weren't aware, USPS postage stamps will cost 55 cents beginning Sunday, January 27th. You can order them, online, or purchase them at most grocery stores.
Love watching your videos, love that you have been back on YouTube posting – So Happy! I am not a homesteader, but your advice and lessons transcend into whatever life you are living. Hope your family well and look forward to the next video. All the best!
The Valentines day video?
Ah, the lead time taking up to a month, got it.
Beautiful roo!! We recently removed our Ameraucana roo – Lancelot – from his ladies. He had attacked three of our older hens, pecked their combs and heads until they were a bloody mess. BluCoat and Bag Balm for the injured hens. We've reintroduced all the hens with issue. Lancelot can see all of his ladies. Will try reintroducing Lancelot this weekend. Suggestions??
Romeo sure is a handsome dude. Hopin' he will get acclimated quickly. Blessings
I want blue eggs some day
Can cream legbars have flat, pea type combs? If so I got one, or a mix of one I’m trying to integrate. Got him before Christmas from a neighbor, kept him isolated for a week to make sure he wasn’t sick, then to chicken coop to acclimate… ain’t working! He fights my barnevelder roo every time! My dream of a nice mixed flock is going down the drain. I’ve never had this much trouble before.
He is absolutely gorgeous!! All of your animals are.
Love me some mr peaches!!
Great video! Thanks for sharing all the info! I love watching!
Girl thank you! I needed this video this week. We just brought some muscovies into our flock and our goose Ron wasn't having it but with time and patience he is slowly coming around to the idea. Let there be peace in the flock! Much love from VA.
The personalities of chickens is crazy!