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Jess we are so tickled you love the package. We curated the kit for someone to grow all the vegetables they would need for a year and to eat all season. <3 Lots of love to you and Miah and you KNOW I went and bought a tree mug. Lord I can't pass up a mug I like not to mention support someone's hand worked art.
Jess I just love you to pieces! So sweet! Stay blessed sweet lady! ~Lisa
Illini star tomatoes are a great determent plant.
There are some dwarf indeterminant tomatoes (from the Dwarf Tomato Project) such as https://www.victoryseeds.com/tomato_barossa-fest.html
I just brush my long haired cat. They mostly groom themselves though.
That's so funny about the roosters named Randy.
When my fella was in college, he and his roommates, all nineteen-twenty year-old guys at the time, got a wild hair to get three little easter chicks. The three little chicks turned out to be cockerels, and the boys named them Larry Moe and Curly (after the 3 stooges). But the boys couldn't tell the chickens apart, so they took to calling them "Larry," individually and collectively. Pretty comical to hear him talk now, about "Larry," which might have referred to one, two, or all three of the roosters. Sounds like what's happened with "Randy!"
George is adorable! I have had many long haired cats and they can be a challenge to keep mat-free, especially as they get older. Brushing and trimming when necessary and, (sorry George), the last time my long haired older cat was at the vet, I had them shave her "private area". Things sometimes get 'stuck' back there with all that fur. Makes life a little easier for all involved.
Very jealous of your weather, lol
Can I get some of your awesome seed from you thanks for sharing
I wanted to share another channel with you https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB1J6siDdmhwah7q0O2WJBg Ihope that link works. He does some awesome things using his green house etc.. and also multi planting!
That mug is beautiful.
Love your videos. Wind is attempting to blow us away! Thank you for all the great info! We can't plant yet and don't have greenhouse also just me so no need of huge garden. Hairbrush once a week and snip out mats works great. Have great day!!
Good luck lol in grooming a cat, most pet store will not do that for you because cats can be wicked. We have a long hair too and we give him a supplement that helps him pass all the fur. We try to brush him ourselves.
Jess, Most long hair cats need some grooming. I've seen some that will groom themselves and pull the mats out, if there not too bad. If George is lazy and doesn't groom himself, then yes he will need groomed. George is a beautiful kitty!
You are seriously one of the most beautiful girls inside and out that I’ve ever seen Jess. God is going to bless you in SO many ways.
Thanks for all the inspiration. Jess you are so sweet and love your giddy sweet giggle you have. I can tell how passionate you are.
There are international gardening groups on Facebook that are free to join. There is a wealth of information from tens of thousands of experienced gardeners on there! Poor people unite! LOL!
So I don’t like eating uncooked tomatoes very much but I want to like them so badly. Can you recommend any tomato varieties that a non tomato lover would like. I really want to love tomatoes the way you do. I do have a shorter growing season of 186 days approximately
Jess I ordered a mug the day of this video. It has not came yet, do you know how long it takes?
I'm starting some dwarf red currant tomatoes. The smallest tomatoes in the world.
I don't see anyone growing true Dwarf tomatoes – i.e.; from the Dwarf Tomato project. 3-4' Dwarf. Wish more people would get into them.
Aww. Kitten George, he was definitely a majestic kitty
I’ve recently gotten into dwarf tomatoes! We made the switch to raised beds this year and were just starting with a few. I’m rather new to having a garden aside from last year we had a big in ground garden and it was too much due to the weeds. I didn’t want an in ground garden but raised beds weren’t in the cards for us at that time. So this year I’m getting a few raised beds though I’m going to have a little less space until we expand in 2021. I’m getting some fabric pots as well for a little extra space. So I thought some dwarfs would be nice to grow since they need a little less space. And I really wanted to start some dwarfs for my moms house so she can grow some since she can’t have a garden and figured when the kids are all there they will have some tomatoes to snack on while playing outside.
My family had a garden when I was very young. I very vaguely remember it. But after my parents divorced we never grew much. But when I was a teen we started growing a few tomatoes in pots and did that every year because we couldn’t have a garden in our rental. We just Had store bought tomato plants. But I’ve always wanted to have a garden! And over the last few years since I have moved and have my own family we have been able to grow more things! I’m obsessed with tomato variety’s like you lol! I need to try them all! I plan to one day have my own little homestead with lots of land and a huge beautiful garden like yours! You all are such an inspiration!
I feel like I'm right there with you when I watch your videos. I love my garden and all things garden. I'm a widow so I do it all myself. Praying God will send me a Sweet Miah in his time. It blesses me so much to watch you.
That was so nice of them. Beautiful seeds packs! Take care
I love Kitten George in the videos!!!
It was good to see Kitten George again. Kitten George lives on, in YouTubeland!