March 26, 2025

VIDEO: 5 Reasons to Keep Chickens

Here are my five top reasons to keep chickens! Keeping chickens is easy but here are some more good reasons why you should keep these wonderful birds.

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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark 🙂

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: 5 Reasons to Keep Chickens

  1. Hey Mark, I love you line.
    Regarding eating to much pumpkins and becomes like pumpkins. Super funny buddy.

    Here in USA all peoples eat lots of cheese burgers and they all looked like hamburger themselves.

  2. I love having chickens! Such an easy animal to raise. Love the fresh eggs. I have mine trained to come when I call them. I keep a few different breeds. I think they are interesting to watch.

  3. Chickens are some of my best friends and the best part is that mine are only a call away and that’s a call from my back door. I love my 7 hens and one rooster ♥️

  4. #6 reason
    Chickens…A rooster guards his human flock too! It never fails….I am alerted from time to time by my rooster while sleeping. Although he typically crows around midnight and again about 4:30 a.m. (I sleep right through it) at any other time, I will get up and check things out.
    Opossum 7 out of 10 times.

  5. I love my chickens, I have just restarted again there about 18 weeks old and got my first egg three days ago so excited I have three now just waiting for the others to start laying ..

  6. We had to put nets all over the free run of our henns, because of birds of prey. However, one of the henns flys over the fence and walks around the rest of the garden. Henns are definitly very cute to watch and I am for sure going to keep henns for a long time.

  7. There are only two of us, so we are considering raising meat birds versus egg layers. From what I have read, they take about eight weeks to reach maturity. Do you have any recommendations for doing this? Thanks!

  8. What about human manure? Can you use that as a fertiliser? I use my own urine at the garden and it makes my plants twice as big. But i don't know if i could use my own poop to enrich the soil.

  9. TAKE CHICKES TO MARS. LOL Chickens would be far easier to keep then Tilapia fish. You wouldn't have food for every day but if done correctly 5 or 7 times a month. The ship heading for America had chickens and some one ate well. Chicken poo can be used in gardens hydroponic or dirt. Chickens survived months and months on board ships

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