March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Easy System for Hydroponic Kratky Tomatoes – Indoor Growing

I learned my lesson…bigger container…and here it is. A 5 gallon “tote” container. It was pretty easy to set up once I got used to the drill. I planted 2 seedlings in the 5 gallon container and they are growing fast and look great. I will video as they grow and update one they bear fruit. Thank you all for contributing comments and suggestions, I look forward to harvest day!
Here are Amazon links to the items I used in the video:
Scale to measure nutrients:
Masterblend Formula:
3 inch net cups:
hydroponic clay pebbes:
PH tester:

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Easy System for Hydroponic Kratky Tomatoes – Indoor Growing

  1. Thank you for the tomato variety and description of plant also name of tote and showing how to drill the hole and mix the masterblend. Your attention to detail is what sets you apart. Signed coronavirus prisoner.

  2. I’ve enjoyed watching your videos. They are very informative and straight to the point. Q: In the video, it appears that you have a grow tent. If so, will you please provide the information about it like brand, size, and whether you also have the filter carbon and fan. Thanks!!

  3. I grew aubergines in a 1.5 litre jar covered with foil. I also did the same with soil, but my hydro aubergine is not doing as good as the soil version.
    I have a Sansi grow light, and have 3 leaves, where the soil ones have more leaves, and are twice the size.
    What am I doing wrong??

  4. Can I please tell you how to make those holes please please please I want to tell you this is how you do it first do it like you said go forward until you get past the initial drill then go backwards and use light pressure and give it time that's your best friend give it time go backwards with light pressure and rotate in a circular manner it will cut through nicely without any rips or tears trust me it works every time remember what I said time is your best friend you cannot rush it you have to use light pressure and let it slowly rip through because it's using the backwards rotational ripping motion so you have to give it time and don't be impatient.

  5. thanks for sharing. what is the water height that need to be filled in? if i understood properly by this method the roots need to be half way under water and half way out..right? cheers

  6. so can you start seeds ANY day of the year? and can you get fruit or veg in the same time as in ground plants? i'm so new to kratky but just saw two tomato seedlings start to flourish in my mason jar so im eager to improve!

  7. Congratulations on your clear videos! Questions please: how do you do when you go on holidays for 3 weeks? Good do you refill your water automatically? Is the air pump enough or is it required to use an air stone/diffuser ?
    Considering the cost of rock wool, pots and clay pebbles, isn’t it better to just buy the aerogarden pods which also come with a little bit of fertiliser?

  8. I'm really glad I joined your channel and have enjoyed the clear concise directions. Look forward to new future content. Thanks for what you do!

  9. I will be doing 4 tomato plants, Kratky method, following your lead. Regarding grow lights, I have the Maxsisun MF1000. It puts out ample light, but wanted to know if that would be good for the tomatoes. I know height or distance from grow light to the plant canopy is important, as well, so can you provide some guidance on that? Greatly appreciate your videos and your excellent way of explanation.

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