March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Compost Tumbler Review & Would I Buy Another One?

Here’s my review on the Maze Compost Tumbler. How well it made compost, what was it like to assemble, was this composter good quality, and would I buy another one?

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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark 🙂

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Compost Tumbler Review & Would I Buy Another One?

  1. That is so cool that you have these meaty birds just come to your compost pile. If you hunt, then maybe set up some traps in the compost bays and get some nice fried meat for dinner?..

  2. I got the 160l one, it misses the handle, assembly is easy but slow. (and I used an electric screwdriver, a manual one would probably take even longer)

    So far it looks decent…

  3. Thanks Mark! Based on your review I bought a Jora "Big Pig" tumbler (medium-sized brother to the 400L one you showed in this video).

  4. My parents have had one of these for quite a few years now (at least 5) and it's looking a bit worn but still works well. They have a suburban block with a couple of veggie patches and other garden beds.

  5. Hi, I've seen your videos in the past and I wanted to watch this one but after being subjected to a 30 second ad then to have another 2 minute ad roll out I clicked off. Pity I won't see your material, you do good stuff.

  6. I’m about to purchase one as my first & learning composter/new to gardening and was wondering if I need worm blankets (I’ve seen them as part of other sets, don’t really understand the process) or anything else with this set up?

  7. A really fair and balanced review. I had been thinking about getting one.
    It looks like a good product but seems it may have durability issues.
    I agree the handle looks like it would be the first component that might be a problem , and the cheap perishable fixings swayed our decision not buy one.
    With lock down seeming endless we have decided to make our own to stay busy at home.

  8. After wanting a tumbler for decades, I finally invested in one a couple of years ago. The only thing useful is having an enclosed place to put scraps but I have yet to get usable compost from it. Perhaps it's because I don't add enough brown material but I just think compost needs bugs and microbes to break down. So next to my tumbler I have ground piles and buckets anyway because I need usable compost. Useful for the winter though to have a place to throw scraps when it's too cold to break down.

  9. Awesome review. Thank you so much. I ordered one before buying and then watched your review. Good to know that it is a good product.

  10. whooah that is VERY expensive for something that is like an I.Q test to put together and a struggle to get the compost out of . bending down like that would be painful and not great on the body . I would not buy that. I have just watched a video on how to make a simple one for $25 and looked much more user friendly . Thank you for your honesty . the home made one would actually be worth paying someone to make and it would still be more cost effective and easier to use. Really enjoy your educational videos ;D

  11. Thanks, Mark. You make some excellent points. This will help me as I shop for one. I'm a newbie gardener in many areas. Thanks again. Hello from So California USA

  12. Just bought and assembled this, and really disappointed in the fasteners as Mark pointed out. They are interior grade fasteners that belong in an ikea furniture product, if ikea didn't have QC. Some of the nuts just slid freely along the bolts, that's how poor the QC is. It's a real shame, this is a quality product otherwise, and they took something that could last about 15 years, and now we'd be lucky to get 5 years out of it.

  13. Always cracks me up how people use shredded paper in their compost. Manufacturing paper is one of the most environmentally destructive industrial processes on earth. Not only that but the chemicals in the paper are extraordinarily toxic. Excellent video though. Very informative.

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