March 13, 2025

VIDEO: Happy Birthday, Tomato ( And Take a Bow, Kahn) | VLOG | Roots and Refuge

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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Happy Birthday, Tomato ( And Take a Bow, Kahn) | VLOG | Roots and Refuge

  1. My alpacas are great guardians to the goats and chickens Jess and our english staffies are family members. All dogs need to know the boundaries just like children. Doing an awesome job with the training Miah..

  2. NOPE…not just you! I rule a similar Queendom – the Land of Almost Done where there is always room for one more person, project or pet. And LOL I said we could get a dog when my son was potty trained….he's now 9. Not sure how much longer I can postpone. Also starting chicks again in April…and then my carts for online seed companies just keep growing. Would love to see how you train Bear to be kind with chickens.

  3. All my past and present dogs have had their own crate/kennel to retreat too. I only have one dog now (German Shorthaired pointer "Max" – 110 pounds). Max normally lays wherever I'm at, but when I'm gone he lays in his "cave"/ kennel which is a more enclosed type as opposed to a open "wire" type. I think he likes the cave type better because it is probably warmer and darker in there for him. When we travel to hunt, or just some place out of town for a walk, he travels in the back of my Jeep Cherokee in a wire kennel. I (almost) never allow him to be loose inside the vehicle … for my safety and especially his. For one, when I stop at where I am headed and lift up the back hatch, he can't just immediately jump out (although he is trained to "stay"), he has to wait for me to unlatch the kennel door. I live on a city street, so I can't take a chance of him jumping out into traffic. He doesn't leave the house, or the back of the Jeep without a leash on ….. too many feral cats for one thing …. he hates them, and all vermin with a passion. I've had at least 5 German Shepherds in my life, and they are really my favorite breed. When I had GSDs, my Jeep had a wire separator that kept the dogs in the cargo area. Not enough room for separate kennels unfortunately, but it worked well enough. Everyone needs to decide how they will deal with having dogs …. especially large breeds … I like to err on the side of safety, and in the end it mostly works out pretty good for their comfort level as well. They are fat, dumb, and happy (re. spoiled) as can be, in their "posh" comfy caves. Bear can't help his herding instincts ….. even if it's chickens or cats ~8^) Take care.

  4. I have a 5 ft by 15 “ grow light with tray. Planted my Baker Creek seeds in 2” peat pot, placed in the tray, We filled the tray half way with water. Was this the right or wrong thing to do? Should we water sprinkle them instead? We have the lights set up in our kitchen. I would appreciate any input. Thanks. Carol. R

  5. I cannot begin to tell you how much I love dogs! That's the reason I will never have them as pets. Confused? Let me explain.

    I am 50 now, back when I was 12, we had a pet Golden Retriever, got her at 2 months old, lived with us for 3 years, when on that fateful day, our family friend, visiting us, got her, backing his car into our road (did not have driveways back then). I was only 12, saddened, shocked, traumatized, as were my 3 siblings. That is the first time I saw my father crying (like a baby), no cooking at home for a week or so, neighbors delivering food, Mom crying all the time, us kids busy with school schedule etc. What I am trying to say is, they are so much like humans, become part of the family and then they just leave very soon (natural life is in the 10-12 years range, healthy). It's like losing a sibling so frequently. End result, NONE of us have had pet dogs after that. That trauma was way more than any of us could handle. Fast forward to today. I have 3 kids, and 2 of them have wanted dogs as pets, even gone on a hunger strike to get one. I have not relented. Gotten them rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, but NO DOGS. More power to people who can handle the trauma of these wonderful pets leaving so soon, JUST NOT ME.

  6. you are 2 years younger then my daughter.. My son is 6 years. older.. Sorry about the loss of those plants. that' sucks… My daughter has a boxer named Layla and she and my 1 granddaughter is also raising until Oct a German Shepard for the Seeing Eye Puppy Club.. His name is Naples and he is only about 6 months old and is a tall as your dog.. He is a total sweetie.. Very Smart.. He is chained (leased)to the bed at night. You start when you first get them and they seem to not be able to rest now until you do this.. That way the blind person can always find their dog and get the hold of them if they need them in the night.. He is an AWESOME Puppy. Please add him to your prayers that he can make the program and become the awesome dog he is to become..My husband only has 1 eye now and he is slowly losing the only one he has left.. We need dogs like Naples.. We, my husband and I have a German Shepard/lab mix Senior dog.. she fits right in here.. LOL!!! But love our grand dogs too.. Layla is a very very sweet gentle girl.. she may be spoiled.. LOL!! Love learning from you.. you do a great job of telling and explaining how and WHY.. Will have to think about starting a seed exchange here.. don't think they do.. The Amish get together every Wed. in a certain area and to something like that.. but it's not free… Great Idea..

  7. Mia – When you feed Khan, put a baseball size rock in the middle of his bowl. He will not be able to take big gulps with it there. Instead he will have to take smaller bites around the rock. Some bowls when you invert them will have a filled in center section. You can feed Khan this way too. Good luck! P.S. We have a 'walker' German Shepherd and she will take a bite and bring it over to the rug in front of the sink and eat her mouthful there. We have to put her bowl in her crate and close her in it when she eats! Haha

  8. All of our dogs have been crate trained as puppies… 1/7 decided not to use it as she got older, the rest use it as their safe space. Crate training is a fantastic skill/tool for everyone!

  9. My chore buddy is a black cat named Smokey. Happy Birthday Tomato! We don't have a LGD because we live to close to a busy highway and only have about 3 acres so i understand how you feel.

  10. I didn’t get to look through all the comments because there are so many (what a blessing) but have you ever looked into a guardian llama? I’ve seen so many people that have had wonderful success with llamas bonding with their goats.

  11. Hey! Quick tip for your dog eating. Our dog is a gulper, as well. We Add a large toy ball to the dog food bowl so it slows his eating down. It has helped a lot! It's also cheaper than the slow feeders 🙂

  12. Providing your pups with a cage also gives them a sense of security. Just like you feel secure in your own bed, they will gravitate toward their own bed.

  13. Mine wouldn’t even take the nasty hot dogs! All they want is to be loved and told how good they are! It was funny… the lady who runs the class took my doodle and the treats and he did everything he was supposed to but wouldn’t take the treats! Lol! Then she said he was lazy! Omg! He turned out to be the best dog in the class and she came up to me and said I hope you continue on with him after he was the star of the class! I breed doodles! I don’t have a lot of time for her classes! But all my dogs and puppies are awesome! I took him because he needed some one on one me time and that was the only way I could get it! I have 14 dogs, 11 cats, squirrels, chickens and a garden! There isn’t a lot of time after that! Btw, watch out for grain free food! One in every two dogs are getting cancer now a days! I’ve done over 500 hours in animal nutrition now and raw is the way to go. Don’t do flea and tick meds from the vet either! Diatomaceous earth kills fleas, ticks and internal parasites and does no harm! The rest is poison! Make sure it’s food grade, but it’s also waaaay cheaper than what you can get at the vets office and it works, safely! Vet bills aren’t cheap!

  14. Dogs are den animals and they love having their own space! Crates are an awesome teaching tool and keep them from getting hurt as puppies! It’s not a bad thing to crate, it’s actually a very good thing!

  15. This is an old video now and you may have already gotten this feedback, but I had that same issue with my beagle. She'd down a full bowl of food in under 30 seconds. There are now dog food bowls designed with a kind of maze in them to slow the pace of the dog's eating. At first they were ridiculously expensive, but now they're very affordable and easy to find in a lot of designs, sizes, and colors. It slowed our dog Maggie down to about 2.5 minutes – huge improvement! Here's an example if you're interested:

    (Btw, I'm a HUGE fan of your channel! Hugs from Connecticut!)

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