June 10, 2024

VIDEO: Growing Peppers from Sowing to Harvest

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Whether you prefer sweet peppers or hot, there’s none more satisfying than those you’ve grown yourself.

Now’s the time to get sowing!

In this short video we’ll show you all you need to know to sow, grow and harvest peppers of every kind.

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing Peppers from Sowing to Harvest

  1. I like to grow interesting chillis. This year I've one that ripens through loads of colours including purple, a dark foliage purple one, and one that has spherical fruit

  2. Great to see a straight forward video where people aren't trying to over complicate the process or convince you that chillis must be watered on a full moon with mermaid tears.
    Many thanks.

  3. I've been growing what I think are peppers but I'm afraid they may be actually weeds, does anyone know how I can identify the plants ? I have pic of them.

  4. I've tried and tried to get my peppers to big and red, though I'd settled for yellow or orange!! In ireland I'm not not sure we have the climate, I've built a polytunnel within the polytunnel for my pepper plants this year with a constant supply of water. We'll see how this works. Also I take the seeds from peppers and chillies that I cook. Have you ever done that? Should I buy the seeds instead?

  5. Hi Ben
    Great quality video. Solid information, concisely presented. I can tell a lot of work goes into it.

    I'm growing a pepper plant now that looks sad, its about 8 inches tall, already fertilised with no success. Is soil pH a thing with peppers? Cheers

  6. Great video. I have never grown peppers before but have just bought some sweet romano seeds ready for planting in the spring along with my tomatoes in the greenhouse. Your video gives great tips on how to get started – many thanks.

  7. Had a lot of fun growing various varieties over the last few years. Always do a few of the extreme heat ones too. Always have to eat a ripe one straight off the plant. The carolina reaper and trinidad moruga scorpion are mind blowingly hot

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