Unfortunately, plastic plays a huge role in gardening, it is a material which can be made into so many things which help us grow food. However, we must start looking at ways of reducing our plastic dependency in our gardens and allotments. Click show more for more info:
This video introduces some useful tips and ideas which you can start applying right away.
The long-life module trays I use and highly recommend: https://containerwise.co.uk/
Long life 100% recycled plastic raised beds: https://britishrecycledplastic.co.uk/
PRE-ORDER MY BOOK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Veg-One-Bed-Abundance-Raised/dp/0241376521/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1550846442&sr=8-1&keywords=huw+richards
Instagram: @huws_nursery
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HuwsGardenNursery
Produced in Partnership with Eifion Jones from: http://www.torchydesign.co.uk/
Seed sponsor: https://www.organiccatalogue.com
Tool sponsor: https://www.bulldogtools.co.uk
Main Camera: https://amzn.to/2KCbn0k
Second Camera: https://amzn.to/2KkRoUA
Laptop: https://amzn.to/2KjT4hj
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Microphone: https://amzn.to/2KvTikz
Second Microphone: https://amzn.to/2yXuRYJ
Tripod: https://amzn.to/2lQ77g1
HuwsNursery is a channel which dedicates itself to teaching you how to grow an abundance of food at your home. Videos are uploaded every week and cover a vast range of subjects including; soil health, sowing, transplanting, weeding, organic tips, permaculture, pest control, harvesting and low maintenance growing to name a few.
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With thanks to the support of my top tier patreons; William Shidal, Ben Porcher, Namaste Foundation, Valeria Letelier and Mike Moore
Had to re-upload! Make sure you check out the great things British Recycled Plastic are doing:)
Great share Huw, love the first step , coming out of your beautiful home. No harm having a gentle reminder how we all can , reuse, reduce and recycle, have my pots reused for years. Just learned about pots with no bases used for tomatoe planting outdoors, so now another way to use my old pots. Thanks for the great share.
very nice upload, thank you. I've been increasingly concerned about plastic in agriculture. this is especially a problem as greenhouse plastic is becoming ever-more common with no real alternatives in site. So it's really nice to see you focusing on avoiding plastic in all the other areas we can.
Im annoyed that he looks like a model. My imaginary ovaries likes it too much
Good day to you my gardening friend, excellent video today Huw with plenty of easy tips, tricks and ideas on reducing your plastic in your gardens and allotments !! I've bought 5 copies of your book to date for friend and family as presents and cant wait for my copy to arrive
Sean from Edible Acres has a video on how he recycles aluminum cans into plant tags. Even less plastic, and you can scribe permanent tags that won't fade or wash out.
Huw, ive been looking through some of your stuff through google, i noticed ypu have your own book. Is it availible to buy in Ireland in any shops. Well done, i had been only thinking that ypu are a wealth of knowledge in the gardening world. Glad you have put pen to paper.
Wooden lollipop (popsicle) sticks for seed tray labels
slats from old venitian blinds make good plaant lables.
This has been my favourite video of yours. Great information, well presented. Thank you!
Hello from Florida Thankyou for sharing great tips on gardening.
Useful channel.
Let’s protect our environment.
If you wouldn't mind putting English (United Kingdom) transcript in all your videos, that would be great.
Great video Huw. I think there are so many people really wanting to reduce plastic in their gardening and aren’t sure where to start and this video is guiding light. This situation with plastics … I can’t help but feel we have just woken up to it and people are blaming manufacturers and still not fully realising the responsibility they also have themselves. The plastic problem is work in progress and it’s great to start somewhere even if we don’t have all the answers just yet. So thank you for all the research and thought that went into your video. You are in a great position to do your bit to make and inspire some positive changes. I’m so glad and so grateful for all your hard work, positivity and passion.
Wife and i started gardening at our first home last year, ive dabbled in the past helping my grandfather but never fully dove into it until adulthood, watching these videos for the past few months has been so helpful, were using all recycled materials and things found in nature, pallets, stumps, branches, rocks, i feel so much better not throwing money into one time use things and plastics..
Firstly, I live on a 100% off grid homestead growing about 90% of our food. Secondly, i knit all of our socks, hats, scarves, jumpers and cardigans…so, your suggestion of using wool as ties for the plants was just brilliant! I always have bits and pieces of leftover wool! Thank you, Vivian Ann on the side of the mountain in northeast Tennessee
I used a load of ice lolly sticks to label plants – until it had become an excuse for me to increase my consumption of ice lollies, when I realised it would be cheaper to just buy the labels. Unfortunately they often became unreadable after a while so my labelling system broke down.
I get so many great used metal & wood garden tools from estate sales or thrift shops.
I also get used plastic seed starting pots for free from my nurseries at the end of season.
Thank you Huw xx
The raised bed plastc sides are exactly what I am looking for. Anyone know where I can find this in the US?
If it’s Merlin’s Magic you Are getting in bulk expect a lot of shredded plastic in the content, unless of course they have improved their process.
Had to laugh at your suggestion of approaching business for their waste cardboard. They SELL IT to the recycling companies. Companies are audited for their handling of waste, giving it to the local allotment is NOT seen as sustainable. We need to look harder.
Well done for making this video, Huw, people need to be made more aware of their use of plastics and hopefully will put your good ideas to use. I reuse old wooden venetian blinds as plant markers, make my own paper seedling pots. Wish I was able to buy compost or seed raising mix that wasn't in plastic!
Love this video! Totally on board with plastic reduction will have a look at the recycled plastic boards what a fab idea.
Thankyou so much for another informative video. Each video that I watch that you have produced always helps me gain some more knowledge. I love that you even explain simple things that some of us novice gardeners may not yet know about, yet you are still able to give insight into gardening for more experienced gardeners. Plastics are such a challenge when it comes to gardening. I finally took the plunge and brought some commercial seedling trays. I had to buy a large quantity so it cost more than buying 1 of the cheaper plastic trays, but they do break in no time so it is false economy. I have decided that I could grow seedlings in some of them and give them away as Birthday or Christmas presents. They are much nicer to work with. Once again thankyou.:)
I like how you suggest starting with what you have, use it and reduce the amount of plastic you bring in. Sometimes we try to do everything at once and it can become overwhelming