March 25, 2025

VIDEO: FINALLY! We Are Starting Tomatoes for This Year’s Garden

We are starting over 30 varieties of tomatoes for this year’s garden. It will be so exciting to watch the garden come into full growth mode with all the varieties we are growing.

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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: FINALLY! We Are Starting Tomatoes for This Year’s Garden

  1. I’m old I guess. Just found this channel. Love it! Been gardening for my family for food since 1983 marriage. Me and my wife will be praying for you and your success in this channel. Thank you.

  2. NEED ADVICE PLEASE… we brought all of our tomato plants inside last night, as the temperatures dropped and we were afraid the small heater would not keep the little greenhouse warm enough. They were a little dry so I watered them after getting them inside. Today, as the day has gone on, the tops of the larger plants are looking droopy, like curling under. Not limp, and no color change. Could they be in shock due to the change in lighting or????? I’m so afraid they will all die. Thanks anyone for advice. We are in SW MO. Due to cold overnight temps, we won’t move them back out to the greenhouse for 2 more nights.

  3. When do you plant your tomatoes outside? I live in Livonia and I was always told that you don't plant your garden until Memorial Day weekend. Is that right? I'm so happy to hear that your in good health!

  4. So thankful you are cancer free! Whoa that would have been so scary. Love tomatoes, just love them, my all time favorite to grow on the farm! Thank you so much Luke your awesome!

  5. Just trying their Wisconsin 55 for the first time this year. The other ones we have are Rutgers (both of these are to replace my Break O'Day that has not been doing well the last few years), an Amish paste which are our annual favorites for canning.

  6. Your health is your wealth!! Been there too- you look up info. on the internet and scare yourself into thinking you have at least 30 deadly diseases! Take care; love your enthusiasm for gardening!!

  7. I was in last week and got a few variety’s of tomatoes and lettuce. I’ve just planted the seeds yesterday- is this too late, or will my crop just be a bit behind? When’s a good time to aim for starting the lettuce seeds? Thanks!

  8. I think you were asking if there are any seed varieties we would like to see on your site.

    I think most would like to see an assortment of Zinnias offered. I think that would be a huge hit for you. You've got a great selection of sunflowers. Thanks for that.

  9. Get a grip. Omg. High blood pressure? Cancer? You are a great Gardner and help thousands, so let me help you. It’s only natural to feel some worry about our health. Health is everything. Believe me…there is nothing more precious then our health. With good health we can accomplish so much and even serious set backs or problems we can deal with. With bad health, the smallest of daily problems can be real challenging. Next time you get a lump and you are concerned, go see a doctor. Don’t put it off just go. When you go for a blood test, tell the technician that you want the results as soon as their ready. In most cases that within two days. The technician will tell you how to get a copy of the results. That way, you can know what your blood work up is before the doctor even gets it. The report will be very simple to read and will clearly show if anything is off. Also, most people’s blood pressure is a little high going to see the doctor even when you only have a cold, which if you do only have a cold, don’t go to a doctor.

  10. if you want to avoid cancer, stay away from dairy and meat. especially red meat and especially plutonium, asbestos and processed meat. those are class 2 and class 1 carcinogens that are extremely bad for you.

  11. Super glad to hear that you are fine. I have a cyst on the back of my head that worried me for a bit too and it was the same type of thing. Stress can be the worse part of it. Super happy to see you filming again too. I'm not a few of watching the same videoes twice, but I have seen most of your videos at least once. Would love to see some videos on how to handle super hot weather. (I'm in Florida, so summers are brutal) Appreciate all you do!

  12. I am so glad you are doing well. I watch your videos everyday and I have still not caught up with all your information, I have started the core gardening this year. We often camp and go away for 4 to 6 days and I do not trust friends or family to water properly. I am so excited to see the progress. Thank you and I am so glad you are healthy as a horse.

  13. i live in new york city, is it too late to start tomatoes from seed?
    . deliveries of tomatoe plants to nurseries in my area have been spotty because of the quarantine.

  14. hello, I live in the north east and started my tomato and pepper plants from seed from last years fruit/veg. they are doing good but only about 2-3 inches tall. my first question is that ok for size for this time of year? second is should I transplant them in to 4 inch pots now or wait? ty

  15. Have totally been there, was told that my whole thyroid was incased in modules and cysts and after about 4 years of ultrasounds to my throat was told they absorbed back into my body. Haven't really had a problem since but it makes you think completely different about your life choices.

  16. So glad to hear the good news! Please take care of yourself. You have a lovely family that needs you. Your fellow gardeners cherish all of your garden tips and tricks!

  17. What song plays at the beginning? Really enjoy this song playing at the start of your video last cpl years. Thank you for the great advice, been using alot of the tips and tricks I learn from your videos!

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