March 27, 2025

VIDEO: Growing Potatoes from Planting to Harvest

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As the soil begins to warm up, it’s time to turn your attention to that tastiest of tubers: potatoes!

Digging up those precious potato tubers is like unearthing buried treasure, and you can’t beat home-grown for quality and taste.

In this short video we’ll show you how to prepare, plant and harvest perfect potatoes of your own.

Planting Tips for a Better Potato Harvest:
How to Choose the Best Potatoes to Grow in Your Garden:
Growing Potatoes in Containers:
5 Ways to Control Potato Blight:

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing Potatoes from Planting to Harvest

  1. Hi, I have approximately 5 x9' hugelkultur mounds for my crops. I was wondering if you know if I should be "hilling" my potatoes once they get established in these mounds? My mounds are about 2-3' high for the ground. I love all your videos…Thanks, Gaby

  2. can only repeat what others before me have written : "clear, precise to the point and very well illustrated" – thank you. Looking forward to seeing other vegetable growing tips

  3. Would I be able to resow freshly harvested potatoes straight away? I'm thinking for a Christmas crop.. Or do they need a dormancy period before resowing?

  4. HI Ben, I just received your book today from Amazon and am very impressed by it already. I have been watching lots of potato vids lately as preparing for spring. I have a question… I have potatoes left over from last year in my shed and I have also bought potato seeds that are still to arrive. I've heard that seeds you grow in your own garden pass on the environmental info onto their own seeds making their offspring thrive better. If true, is the also true for potato seeds? Would I be better chitting my own home grown potatoes rather than using the seed potatoes I ordered or does it not really matter?

  5. Been following your channel and videos after deciding I want to try and grow my own veg this year, and super excited to start! Absolutely love these videos!

  6. Hi Ben,

    I'm having an absolute brain-fart this end and can't remember: 1st earlies I know can start to be harvested any time from when the flowers start to bloom. …and maincrops when they go over, but I've forgotten how you tell when 2nd earlies are good to go? Can you please jog my memory? Thanks.

  7. Really love your videos. For the first time I have successfully grown spinach. So satisfying walking out in the evening, cutting the leaves, giving them a good rinse and steaming them over boiled potatoes or rice for a few minutes. Delicious!! Without your videos it would just have been another good idea that I never got around to. Your videos are so informative, never boring, enthusiastic and so practical.
    Watched your kale and tomato videos and also for the first time I planted kale and tomatoes from seed. Have just planted the kale seedlings out into the garden amongst my flowers!! Tomato plants are going to get planted out tomorrow when hopefully the heatwave is over. Been > 30 degrees in Johannesburg for the past week. Thank yo so much.

  8. I've just acquired an additional allotment which is going to be a potato field. Ben, what's your take on using supermarket potatoes as seeds? I've used bought seed potatoes before, but I'm wondering what the risk level is. Maybe ok to use supermarket spuds occasionally rather than every year?

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