September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Daffodils Are Awesome

The daffodils have come up on the allotment and they look lovely. If you’ve never thought about growing them before then give them some serious consideration as they provide some early colour in the garden and provide the bees with their first feed of the year.

#daffodilflowers #daffodils

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19 thoughts on “VIDEO: Daffodils Are Awesome

  1. Adam, thanks for the smile. One of my favorite flowers. It will be a few weeks before I see them here, but I enjoyed seeing yours today. Thanks also for all the info, learn something new everyday.

  2. Would you Adam and Eve it. At the close of play today just leaving the plot thought those daffs are looking great just take a shot put them on the next upload. Oh dear battery gone dead. Try tomorrow weather permitting. I buy the ones from Tesco that have finished flowering and nobody bought. That lookes a fine day where you are Adam, we still have drizzle and high winds. Nice video, take care Mike.

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