March 29, 2025

VIDEO: Thinning Seedlings For Best Success

Thinning is the job nobody likes doing but one that you must do to ensure healthy seedlings and a healthy garden. We don’t like to do it, but if we don’t the chances of disease, overcrowding, and stress increase greatly.

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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Thinning Seedlings For Best Success

  1. hey new to your channel, I started a patio garden this year. I'm glad you talked about thinning seedling, It was tough for me to do it. I felt like I was picking the best child…tears. I do love your channel and all the info, TFS

  2. this is my first year to grow from seed. I gave up on my first batch of tomato seeds (some I harvested the year before) and threw that old dirt out into the pots I was going to use once the weather warmed. Started new seeds inside, got starters potted up that are just about ready to go into my really big pots but meanwhile I have a bunch of scrawny, sun deprived seedlings in the big pots because the old seeds finally sprouted… so my thinning is imminent…

  3. I sowed about 15 seeds in a pot and they all germinated. It hurt to thin them out but I know it’s for the best. I wasted a some seed too. I’m learning.

  4. I just got my first Bonsai growing kit. I was reading to thin the seedling and it’s funny how you said “it hurts your heart to thin them” or something to that effect. Because that’s exactly how I am feeling. I was kinda scared to do it. But seeing how it was done and the reason behind it makes me feel like I can do it. I’m a supper beginner. Like literally just started this today. But I’m super excited about my Bonsai journey and I can wait to reap the rewards!! Thank you for this video.

  5. I like to either use plug trays or multi seed pony cells with seeds spaced far apart. Then when they get big enough I will give them their own cell. That way I can get more sprouts from a 4 cell pony that are easier separate if they all sprout. I can say separating is tedious. Then again so is potting up. When I only have 20 seeds they are all going to be given a chance to grow.

  6. My seedlings are a bit on the big side, but I'm gonna take the plunge. The urge to try and split them up is strong but i don't have more dirt. and there's still snow outside.

  7. Luke I am a big fan of your channel, you have provided such a wealth of knowledge that has been greatly useful to me so I would like to say thank you so much! This will be my first year starting from seeds, and my family and I are very excited by the process. Will be starting thinning this weekend, which in truth feels pretty painful having seen all these seeds sprout up amd do so well but I know the ends will justify the means. Thank you again for all of your great information and God bless you and your family!

  8. Hello, I have about twenty planted clusters of hot pepper plants that needed thinning. After watching your video I now have the courage to go kick some peppers out of town. Thank you

  9. Thank you! I am starting some things pretty early because I live in a higher altitude microclimate on a mountain in zone 4b new hampshire and it's been a weird winter so the ground could take time to thaw. How many seedlings should I leave per cell in the 3" pots? I hope I didnt make a mistake by starting things in that size like basil and kale. I had already bought a bunch when i did artichokes because they need a bigger pot so I figured it wouldn't hurt.

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