June 10, 2024

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: WHAT a YEAR (in review) And Looking Ahead to Next Year!

  1. i like that reclaimation. that sounds like a wonderful outlook. i guess that's where we'll be this year as well. we are planning to grow a better garden this year. after ladt year of igoring it.

  2. 2022 will be my 2nd year using your trifecta+ products in my garden and I have now totally switched to using only Migardner seeds.
    Appreciate all the great info and fun videos. Keep up the great work

  3. On the topic of going back to the creative things. I definitely wouldnt mind seeing the Levi Explains series make a comeback (that is as long as Levi is fine with the idea, of course). I was watching those videos some time back and i loved how hilarious it was, while at the same time learning so much from it.

    I have also learned so darn much from you as well, taking your advice i had probably my best carrot harvest ever this past autumn!

  4. Re. your idea of increasing artistic content, would you consider adding a culinary element to your videos? Practical, what-you-are-actually-cooking content about using the harvests as they come in. Maybe not entire videos about it, but more of "and now, a peek into kitchen", with 90 seconds of what's going on today.

  5. love your channel just finally subscribed. what are good vegetables to plant in shade? I have limited space and want to get as much from my garden as possible Grow Big or Go Home right? Thankss

  6. Luke, I watched an older video of you from Larry's just a few days ago. This year I'll be trying my hand at growing vanilla orchids. I've grown as a gardener each year since buying our property 4 yrs ago. It's amazing to look back on my own progression in such a short time!

  7. I think reclamation is a great word! Thank you for enriching my life. Every day I am learning something, researching something, or writing something down to remember or read. What a blessing a garden can be beyond the food that grows there!

  8. Luke, I always enjoy your videos and have learned so much from you! Thanks for all you’ve done in 2021, and I look forward to 2022… especially planting my huge haul of MIGardener seeds!

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