May 29, 2024

VIDEO: What's Your Dream? | VLOG | Roots and Refuge

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: What's Your Dream? | VLOG | Roots and Refuge

  1. So funny how almost all of your dreams have something to do with food. So cool that you are writing a book. I have 2 unfinished fiction novels gathering dust. One was started about 30 years ago, but I had dusted it off about 7 years ago and started rewriting it. But part way through, I decided I really wanted to write a book around one of the songs my husband had written. I was in to it over 100 pages before I got derailed by pain meds. I have told you about the sciatic thing. Anyhow, creative thinking and ability to think were abolished by pain meds for me.

  2. I finally read your latest article where you discuss your love of and discouragement with photography. I have always been able to see the "Kodak Moment", my first camera was a 110 Disney special. I totally get where you are coming from with the shadows of a window on your kitty but for me it was the shapes and shadows of a tree or branch in nature and their juxtaposition with man made structure. I never created a business of my vision, my dream was discounted by those closest to me and I didn't have the courage on my own to follow it. Since then I have dabbled a little bit here and there, 1 maybe 2 rolls of film the first few years then nothing because it was too expensive. Then came 9-11 and the destruction of all my dreams! I am just now willing to DARE to dream a little bit because I understand that to not have Dreams isn't even surviving it's just waiting for death. You have inspired me to want to dream again, and it has taken a year to get to this point. Hey it's a good life inspired me to think about dreams and what mine were this year. Scared shitless is an immense understatement!!!

  3. My husband and I have a dream to raise our daughter, and future kids, on a homestead, which will have room for our parents and siblings should they choose to be a part of that life, in preparation for that we are starting our first adult garden this year! Seedlings started, planter beds going in today! A bigger dream that will take more time, and we don't know how it will work is to have a summer camp that teaches people life skills we use on the homestead, milking feeding, gardening, chopping wood…With lots of fun too… optional worship gatherings, and bible studies. And we would really really REALLY like to offer this free to foster kids!

  4. I have a dream to own a farm! I currently lack the experience, you have encouraged me to start a Youtube channel to document my journey of a city homesteading to a farm. While it may take time to complete my dream there is hope. Thank you for all that you and Miah do. P.S. we are best friends in my head 😉

  5. You are dynamic teacher. Air B&B with hands on gardening and cooking instruction….what you grow. I AM ALL In for that experience. Put me on the waiting list now and I’ll drag my friends and rellies along….not hard to do when it involves food!

  6. You radiate love, light, and positivity. My dream is to have a homestead and hopefully buy property in many states. Creating a type of traveling commune where members can stay on properties long term or temporarily.

  7. I have two dreams… One is to have some land & build a huge garden with enough space to have it also to be a small animal sanctuary. Another is to have a vegan cafe/juice bar ( cause I’m a vegan) with lots of books for people to read and a cozy atmosphere. My oldest son is almost done with high school & my youngest will be in the 8th grade in the fall ( I’m old I know. Lol) so once all the kiddos are done with school, we plan on moving!!

  8. I want a farm/ homestead so bad I can taste it. We currently have a hand full of chickens and 2 male goats. I recently planted my first "Bigger" garden, but I want more. God says I can have it and in claiming it.

  9. I know this is a while late, but I'd love to get to the point you're very close to, being able to supply most of our food intake. Right now I'm fighting the wind that kills anything I put in the ground. I'm starting to thing I'm going to get nothing from a spring garden until I can solve my wind problem and possibly grow a few wind breaks because I seriously don't want ply wood walls for longer then absolutely necessary.

  10. My dream is to have a food forest and teach people about how to grow food in a way that leaves a positive imprint on God's creation. I also want to teach people about healing with food and how to prepare meals.

  11. I have lived a few dreams. and when the fun stops we go live a new dream. I'm drawing a weird overlapping end to my last dream, which was to just travel. the last chapter of that dream was to convert a school bus to travel in and so now i live in a short school bus/tiny home on wheels since xmas 2018. i started dreaming about homesteading and growing my own food…impossible in my bus and while traveling. and we discovered staying put in the bus saves us money. so we bought land – 6 acres in southern arizona. now i'm sitting on it in my bus not quite legally, chopping down unwanted brush where i want to have a garden and a green house, single handedly 95% of the time, with loppers and a shovel. while hubby works online to we can afford to eat and pay bills. this will someday be Lazy Squirrel Acres but for now its raw sandy desert with a school bus parked on it. godspeed to see this dream come to fruition. i have a pocket full of seeds and nowhere to plant them yet.

  12. I needed to see this today… you are an absolute blessing in my life and to our family thru your channel even just today seeing your video from a couple hours ago talking about time to plan your next dreams and then seeing this right after reminds me just how much is possible with the right mindset. I never dreamed that I would ever get to where I am now even 6 years ago I’ve been thru a lot of trials and strife throughout my life but having a grateful heart and adjusting my course as needed I’ve come a very long way and tho we still have a way to go I realized after hearing one of your devotional that your philosophy of turning your waiting room into a classroom has been a part of my daily life for decades and now I make sure to remember those words and stay the course that god has planned for me, thru disappointments of having my own restaurant(which was my dream as well) sold out from under me by a partner, being a single mom, surviving several abusive relationships in my early life, I have always been a fighter and lover of the underdog, because I know if I can make it this far anything is possible. As a Texan and a mom I show love with food always have and always will if your hungry everyone knows no matter the day they can always stop by for dinner or coffee and no one ever leaves my house hungry feeding others good healthy satisfying foods has always been a passion and learning to grow a garden and loving all our critters well is part of that and since this quarantine began our family decided to try and share some of our learning journey with others thru YouTube my adult daughter suggested it and has helped me learn the technology a bit at 45 I guess it’s possible to still adapt and overcome, but this is my personal account our family account is Stinsonfamilyprojects and I want you to know just how absolutely much we have come to love your family as our own and enjoy seeing all the escapades of the kiddos and critters and the absolutely beautiful love that you and sweet Mia share, we bless you as well xoxo

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