Plumbing is an essential skill for both the homesteader and farmer. In this workshop, Richard Freudenberger covers preparation and sweating of copper pipe w/silver solder, where and why to use different types of copper, along with many other plumbing options including the use of PEX and oxygen-barrier PEX, PVC/CPVC, NPT iron & brass, and SharkBite products. We also discuss polybutylene pipe, tubing, and flare-fitting.
VIDEO: Plumbing Skill Share with Richard Freudenberger
Plumbing is an essential skill for both the homesteader and farmer. In this workshop, Richard Freudenberger covers preparation and sweating of copper pipe w/silver solder, where and why to use different types of copper, along with many other plumbing options including the use of PEX and oxygen-barrier PEX, PVC/CPVC, NPT iron & brass, and SharkBite products. We also discuss polybutylene pipe, tubing, and flare-fitting.
Wonderful information. Thank you so much!