March 29, 2025

VIDEO: Wakyme Full Spectrum LED Grow Light Review

The good folks at Wakyme sent me this light to review, and I get to keep the light for reviewing it….so I figured why not? I wanted to try out this sort of grow light, I use mostly 6500k Fluorescent lights to grow microgreens and also hydroponic plants indoors. The Aerogarden has a similar type of light and the plants do very well there. Please comment with your own opinions or experiences with grow lights. Below are Amazon affiliate links to the lights mentioned in this video as well as the 600W version of the one reviewed here. Thanks for watching!

Wakyme 1200W Full Spectrum LED Grow Light:
Wakyme 600W Full Spectrum LED Grow Light:
T5 Florescent 6500K Grow lights:

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Wakyme Full Spectrum LED Grow Light Review

  1. Tikki I just found out about your channel, very clear explained thank you. The back side of manual was Japanese. The fan was pretty loud.

  2. Hi, love that you have reviewed This!!! I took delivery of the exact same hood yesterday and have been confused ever since. I’m being told to always use both veg and bloom during the whole cycle from start to finish…..I’m also being advised to NOT use red during the veg stage as red will,force plants to,flower early thus stunting potential growth of the plants. Hmmn.. also I’ve been advised to never have lights lower than 24 inches……and. Other advice states that keeping them this high will encourage seedlings to stretch up for the light and become leggy!! Aargh. What’s yr thoughts on these points???

  3. Thanks for your no-nonsense videos, as always, Tikki.

    If I may submit a request for more… 🙂

    Throughout many of your videos, I notice you have an assortment of lights that you use. From screw-in type on clamp lights to what look like maybe 2ft T5 tubes. I think your spinach video mentioned LED lights, though they looked like tubes (there was no link to what kind of lights you're using for the spinach in that description).

    Have you considered making a video solely on your experiments with different types of lights? Is it more about just what you had available or what was affordable at the time? Or have you found that different types of lights work better for different plants? For my starter rig, I got a 1000W-equivalent LED veg/bloom full spectrum light (similar to the one in this video). It was definitely not cheap, and although it's been fine (just the veg part on) for basil & parsley, I'm running out of room (for the 4×4 coverage as I want to try to expand into a crazy tomato experiment like you've shown with the tote. I can't imagine having to buy another of these crazy pricey grow lights for each tote that I want to ramp up another "big" crop like a couple tomato plants or a couple cucumbers. So… I'm insatiably curious about your experience with lights. 🙂

    I'm also curious about a couple other things I've seen in your videos, but I haven't heard you comment on yet (maybe I've just missed the video where you talk about it, I'm not entirely caught up yet)…

    The reflective thing hanging on your shelf… it looks like foil, but there's no way you got a sheet of foil that big to cooperate, haha. What is that, and have you found it makes a difference for your grow? Or is it more about reduction of annoying glare?

    Space management. Along the same lines as the lighting question, what have you found works or doesn't work for space management? Things like this full spectrum LED box, cover a certain area and need to be a certain height away from the plants, which will grow up and cause that elevation to need to change over time. And the hanging apparatus takes a certain amount of vertical space as well, sometimes as much as the height needed to be away from the plant (2ft + 2ft = 4ft vertical space needed for one 4×4 section of indoor garden, ugh). How do you deal with space management, especially with different types of space needing plants (herbs vs. tomato/cucumber/pepper, etc.)?

  4. Those high wattage LED grow lights can damage your eyes, need to shield these from your kids dining area. They do sell reflective glasses for working around LED grow lights. I tend to get a headache when I don't use them in my grow room after a few minutes.

  5. Now they didn't burn out the same time but very much close to each other the first one burned out on veg 6 months ago and now the other one just burned out last week and waiting for it's replacement

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