June 28, 2024

VIDEO: Planting the Onion Sets on the Allotment #gardeninguk

Onion sets are really cheap and easy to grow. If you are a first time gardener then these should be on your must try list. Today I plant my onion sets out on the plot. I also show you what’s happening up on the plot and I make a grim discovery.

#onionsets #plantingonions #gardening

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19 thoughts on “VIDEO: Planting the Onion Sets on the Allotment #gardeninguk

  1. The plot is looking grand! I remember your first video of that plot. My thought was, "Run! Don't walk." LOL And yes watering is essential for growth. As for the rabbit, well, it's dead. Hope you remembered the camera!

  2. So very nice to see you at your plot with your entertainment heart still beating strongly. The Rabbit might have taken refuge from a predator attack because .. a predator would be my most positive guess for you Adam. Your plot looks well cared for and the Onions are in great voice ; ).

  3. Gonna be lots of tasty onions right there. Great job done. Bigfoot got after that rabbit and it ran under that roof top thing to get away and the Bigfoot lost where the bunny went and sat down on it to take a break and squashed the bunny. Mystery solved! Have a great rest of the week buddy!

  4. Onions are an important veg for my plot Mrs. B was not pleased with last years harvest so fingers crossed for better results this season. Yours are off to a good start well done. I can't see the rabbit being trapped under the roof as if fit and well it would have dug itself out. Something injured it and it hid there to recuperate or it was killed and hidden there. My money is on badly injured in a fight and hid there. Rabbits do kill other rabbits. does do defend their birthing space anyway. take care Mike.

  5. Round the twist!!!!! RClare and I were trying to get our daughters into it a couple of months ago, went right over their heads unfortunately. Great programme! Great video too, soil looking good where you composted and I hope you get a cracking crop this year, good luck!

  6. Looking awesome. Here it still down to 6 c below….But any week now it will be frost free.and time for my tomato plant to go outside I hope.
    I think I might sow some sunflower to.. and buy some more soil…
    Take care and stay safe

  7. Good thing it wasn't a whitewalker that finished the bunny, did you notice if he/she had blue eyes? Let's hope a dead rabbit is a good omen on a garden plot is sign of a successful growing season.

  8. Awesome shots in there pal!! Nice to see the whole plot ready to rock. Every time I see your plot, and others, I am reminded that I don't spend enough resources on flowers. Lmao, let me get closer to this squished rabbit, hahahaha. Classic karma Bugs, tell your friends, this is the land of slow death:)))

  9. Hi Adam, good luck with the onions. I've got mine in as well. About the rabbit carcass, there is a disease going around called Viral Hemorrhagic Disease that is according to the Countrymans Weekly wiping them out all over the country. Apparently they die down their burrows so you dont find the carcass. Makes me wonder if the one you found had contracted the disease and went under the shed roof to die. Poor buggers. See you soon.

  10. Hi Adam I have a quick question relating to the cold weather coming up this week. You planted Gladiolas and so did I, now they're poking the tips up and I have a few lilies in the garden too…should I cover them somehow if we may get some nasty weather up here (Northumberland) this week and weekend?? I also have some seedlings popping up (bok choy, lettuce and beetroot) but they're under fleece, do you think they should have more cover than that? Thanks for any tips!

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