March 17, 2025

VIDEO: Garden and Yard Update Before a Spring Clean Up

This is an update of our garden before we started cleaning it up for spring. We were letting a lot of things flower and go to seed to attract pollinators. This video is also an update of our ornamental plants in the front yard and our fruit trees in the back.

13 thoughts on “VIDEO: Garden and Yard Update Before a Spring Clean Up

  1. Lots of blooms popping on over there. Yep the weather done the same thing. Spring out of winter into summer. We never get a real spring. Everything is looking really good Mrs. Lea. Looking forward to seeing your major harvest this year. Have a great day!

  2. Excellent comprehensive update! The cherry, peach and fig trees were really impressive! It looks like you have a lot of work in front of you. I wish you all well as the year moves forward!!!

  3. Very nice walk around update Lea!! Hope y'all have a very fruity year!!
    So far our Spring is lasting longer than the past year, it was like 3 days lol!!
    Have a good'nnn

  4. I have a friend in North Mississippi and he asks me to come down and grow there. Every time I see you vids, I seriously consider it!! It will be Aug before I have that much growing on, lol. Thank you for your vids, I very much enjoy your garden and how well you folks use the space:))))))

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