March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Need your Help, What is Name of this Amazing Garden Bird ?

What is this Garden bird name…? THANK YOU.
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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Need your Help, What is Name of this Amazing Garden Bird ?

  1. Many have ID'd as a Tree Swallow correctly. The most amazing aspect of this bird besides the awesome "paint job" it has on it's body is the
    beautiful nest it makes. Every one I have up here in South East Massachusetts have a feather or feathers that cover the eggs. They remind me of the wealthy ladies of the upper class hats they wore to society gatherings. It may be too late to peek now if the eggs have hatched,
    so you should wait to see. Try "googleing" tree swallow nest to see what I mean.
    Keep up the great work Mark!

  2. Download the Merlin app to your smart phone for bird identification. It's published by Cornell University. Before you put up too many nest boxes too close together, research the proper spacing for the birds you're aiming to attract. Many are territorial. You will also have to learn to identify the house sparrow and prevent them from nesting in your boxes. They are non-native and kill the native songbirds that we need. Bird boxes come with added responsibilities for you and are very rewarding.

  3. Looks like a swallow Mark,they usually build there nest underneath the "eves "or "overhang "of a building. They love to eat mosquitoes.

  4. swallow for sure..
    Here we have a street where they let em nest under the roofs, Dorpsstraat in oudkarspel… water behind the houses is where they thrive.. and boy o boy in the summer with the cano when gliding silently through the water they sometimes nearly mis my head cause of they catching flying insects.. very agile birds

  5. I can send pictures in conversation with the house roof owners so they be legit as can be… pictures of real nests under the roofskirts.. so u can get ur birdie urban culture knowlege

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