The Giant Crimson was made extict 70-80 years ago. We found seed in a shadowbox in packets ober 87 years old and grew it out… This is the result. Check out our new clothing line!
VIDEO: We Grew The Rarest Tomato Ever – The Giant Crimson is BACK!
The Giant Crimson was made extict 70-80 years ago. We found seed in a shadowbox in packets ober 87 years old and grew it out… This is the result. Check out our new clothing line!
Wow beautiful tomato.
I personally, have never been into fresh tomatoes, but I like tomato soup, and other kinds of cooked tomato products. How do I figure out what kind, (out of the 500 bazillion types) I would want to try growing?
I've been looking for any follow up to these seed but can't find anything. Was there ever a post or announcement about ever selling the seeds or giving up on distribution?
We need an update on these!
hope to god more seeds from the past make a comeback
Please update!
Any updates?
How can i get some seeds?
Wow bringing back crimson tomato is kinda cool and getting seeds cool to think about
That is amazing!
How can I get some? Also, where do you get the plastic clip things to steak your tomatoes? I hope I get a response!
Are these for sale? I don't see them on the MI Gardener web site? Do they sell out early spring so I never see them? I'm a home gardener and would never distribute these to the monster corporations.
Someone suggested sending seed to U of Michigan seed bank for posterity. I was thinking the International World Seed Vault for much the same reason.
Are these seeds in the store I can’t find them
How can I get some of these seeds from you please?
This is the only red Tomato I will ever grow ! Hope to see some seeds in stock soon.
Any update on when these will be available?
I do remember the tomatoes as you are describing. When you cut into it..I said yes…that's it. Glad it was saved…great job Luke
You rock, man. Keep it up.
The texture of the tomato is the "meat" of the tomato. I can't wait to grow this one!
Are you going to make more seeds
A university agriculture program specifically studying tomatoes, should get some of those seeds.
I've been iffy about growing tom,atoes but I thik I will be growing some. And I know the variety.
Would love to thank you so very much for this gift. I say gift because, I am a gardener at heart. I have been so inspired by your passion for gardening. This tomato would be the most important, beautiful and loved tomato in my garden. If you have any seeds to sell, I would really like to grow it. I have many seeds but, I do have a passion for Heirloom tomatoes. I would be willing to pay for the postage. At 62 years of age, I have one life to live to the fullest and enjoy watching the videos you make. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and kindness. God bless you and yours.
I keep trying to get these year after year and they are always sold out.
Luke, I was one of your customers that bought the 5 seeds you allowed us to buy and ALL FIVE OF MY 5 SEEDS ARE GROWING. I seed start seeds from MIGardner and baby them until they get planted outside later on and the Giant Crimson looks so pretty and strong. Just wanted to let you know that I plan on saving seeds from these plants if I possibly can. Thank you again Luke.
It's not about the money Batman, it's about sewing a message
You are the Batman of gardening by the way