February 2, 2025

VIDEO: Woodpecker Pecking

We have Great Spotted Woodpeckers in my local wood. These birds don’t have a song or a call to establish territory so they drum on the side of dead tree trunks to advertise ownership of their particular patch of woodland.

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12 thoughts on “VIDEO: Woodpecker Pecking

  1. Adam….here on the desert edge we have regular visits of Cardinals…. Humming.. Birds that buzzing sound in your blossom tree reminded me of our Humming Birds …. Nature is a wonderful…. sight to witness…….. SeeYa…..Ed

  2. I have one outside my bedroom window. He/she is going to fell the oldest tree I think.
    I have an owl who comes every night. He hoots for hours. Used to be he would fly off because my cat, Patches, was out there. Sadly, Patches died just after Christmas at the ripe old age of 18! He had a grand life. Catching mice and moles, scaring birds and humming softly to me when I was restless in bed. I do miss him. The birdsong is loud just now. It is the courting season. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Great video Adam. We're surrounded by Woodpeckers here. There's one right outside our bathroom velux at the moment that sounds like he or she is hammering away at the same spot constantly for days and days now. I think it must be chiselling out a cavity to raise it's chicks ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. The Woodpecker so reminds me of woodland camping! Wonderful recording, Adam. Bees are all coming out en masse by the look of it, many blossoms to choose from now. A lovely video, showing us where we can always find peace, even though the sound of head bashing birds is included in that perception, poor things lol.

  5. Yes its interesting aright… summer round the corner the guy upstairs has started to turn the temperature up consequently.. out comes humming birds AND…. Rattlesnakes…. the upside to all this edge of the desert living it its will rain heavenly for a few days ..{ then the desert comes alive all her creatures the cacti 's blossom man its spectacular.. drab lookin cacti plants flower with the most array of all the colors of the rainbow… the fragrance is amazing a sight to see….. snakes ok all i dod is wear Loblan western boots…. Ronnie Rattler can't get his fangs through 3 layers of pure Buffalo hide…….ok Adam all the best stay safe……………………..Ed

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