We planted the kids Garden and we took you with us!
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LOVE this video! So many people do not know what to do with the produce from their gardens. Keep up the great work Jess!
good job boys
Your kids are beautiful and so smart! Does purple basil taste any different from standard basil? Never seen it.
I'm so happy to have found your channel. You're lifestyle is inspirational. You have a beautiful family.
When I go to sleep at night is when I get my visions. I think about all the things I accomplished that particular day first and what I want to accomplish tomorrow. We started a raised bed garden in 2014 and have been adding onto it each year and you need those visions to accomplish what you imagine in your mind that you want to happen. With each addition of the smallest thing that you do just makes everything a little nicer and easier. Every year we have expand the garden area and i look forward to those nightly dreams to make it all possible. It is also with the YouTube channels like yours, etc that all of us gardeners learn even more and get more inspired. This year we added a lot of cattle panel after I saw what you did with yours. It looks so pretty when they are full and you can walk underneath them and pick dukes or whatever is growing. So, thanks much. Keep those visions coming.
the youngest is definitely the most driven interested and excited though they all are.
Your boys are so adorable! It would be worth watching your vids just to see them. It's so great the way you teach them by them having a kid's garden. Love seeing them planting their own garden.
I turn my eggs to cook the whites on both sides. I can't stand ruuny egg whites but love the yolks.
great kids love making the gardens just that much nicier
Goodness! i love your vlogs!
Thumbs up for the yummy dog getting a hug at 2:00.
Nice boys. Nice family.
Hey Jess! I'm sure you have talked about your apron before..I may have just missed it but what apron do you use for getting eggs and veggies from the garden?
I'm a massive dreamer
thanks for the kale picking
Hey have we seen the boys garden this year? Did I miss it?
Your garden of handsome boys is a beautiful vision!
That’s so true, and I’m not a cook
Love your family! Just bought several of your books for Christmas gifts. I can’t wait to get my copy.
Seven year old me would be absolutely geeking out over my life today. I'm glad she didn't know how hard it would be, but mostly I'm just so thankful for all the hopes and dreams God has already made come true!
Seven year old me would be absolutely geeking out over my life today. I'm glad she didn't know how hard it would be, but mostly I'm just so thankful for all the hopes and dreams God has already made come true!