March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Homestead Harvest Quail, Eggs, and Garden

Today we are showing some of our early spring harvests getting ready and making space for our summer garden crops. We harvested the last of our Red Russian Kale and weighed in our first harvest of Candy Onions. Our garlic dried enough to do a weigh-in. We are also starting to harvest our blackberries and bush green beans. Squash is still producing well. The quail we hatched in the incubator are old enough to move to the outdoor hutch. We harvested one hutch of quail to make room for the new group to be moved outside.

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Homestead Harvest Quail, Eggs, and Garden

  1. What are ways are you eating the quail? Like what recipes have you found so far? You said in the video that you release some of the quail. Do you take them out in the country or just around your house? I need to start doing that myself.
    Wow those are some huge blackberries. Lots of goodies from the garden today.

  2. Hopefully the city takes care of it soon and don't make it worse than it is already.
    Awesome on the 53 quail chicks. Dannng those are some very nice sized Berries!!
    Nice harvest on everything. My snow pea trellis broke so i harvested the rest and yanked
    the plants. Seeded some royal burgandy green beans so we'll see how they do.
    Gotta love onions, garlic and peppers!! Have a good'nnn

  3. Wow Lea, that is a bountiful harvest for just one week! The quail chicks were very cute, glad to see them in their new home! I love the sounds the chickens made while you were harvesting the blackberries…… do those look tasty!!! So what does quail taste like??? Like chicken???

  4. I'm near Dallas, TX and have chickens and a small backyard garden. How do you combat rodents, squirrels, and birds. I noticed your tomato harvest video…I don't always get to leave it o the vine. Nice videos. I love your backyard.

  5. I am new to your channel I live in West Tennessee zone 7 a. Garden looks really good. I like to invite you to my new channel Debbie’s Home Sweet Home Subscribe and like . Looking forward to watching more of your videos

  6. I started watching the video for the first time and I wonder why they're kept so many in a small containment either let them run free or have them in a bigger area mean to me that's just too many and enclosed

  7. I know I’m watching this like a year later but 1. I just have to say that I’m in love your your accent! And 2. Your peppers look great but I’ve heard that they produce way more when they’re closer together. Just a tip that I thought you could use if you’d like!

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