March 27, 2025

VIDEO: How Did This Sneak Up On Me? | VLOG | Roots and Refuge Farm

How did this garden sneak up on me and WHAT is eating my tomatoes?

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How Did This Sneak Up On Me? | VLOG | Roots and Refuge Farm

  1. Ive got lots of sungold ripening but the stink bugs are living on my borage and hanging out on the sungold vines and most of the ripes ones are sticky and have numerous bite scars. Whats the best way to deal with them and how can i save my tomatoes. They also swell sometimes after picking. I dont have them in a sunny window so its not getting scalded but it makes me not wa t to eat it. Do you cook ones like that incase of little bugs inside. And how do you can with the possibility of bugs. Could that spoil your can of tomatoe sauce. Glad the teddy bear sunflowers are ready to i open soon. Found the rest of mine. Can i plant seeds now?

  2. Ms. Jess I sent an email the other day. And I don't if you got it. It's very special to me. And I think it might be special to you too.

    Please let me know if you got it.

  3. It’s so cute the way your son (was it Ezra?) was carrying that little caterpillar around. I feel so torn getting rid of them because I love butterflies, which they turn into, but I also love my plants.

  4. I found a you tuber that can explain the aphid problem. Its Nitrogen overload! His channel is Stefan Sobkowiak, He is a permaculture orchardist in Canada, check it out and see what you think!! 🙂 I'm so excited!!! Checking for aphids everywhere!!!

  5. What do you do with the okra that comes in sparsely? I have a few but don’t know what to do with it. I bought a jar of pickled okra and I eat some and then replace it with what I am getting from my crop. NEED SUGGESTIONS PLEASE.

  6. We haven't had those pokes and scratches with produce since we put out 2 dishes of fresh water in shade when temps headed to 90's. Birds don't want the fruit, they want the moisture. Looks like rats, raccoons, or opossums eating the produce. Blessings to all.

  7. I raised a herd of boys and oh my goodness your babies bring back such sweet memories of little boys in the garden. Now they are raising their own wee little granddaughter..petite little garden elf
    Thank you for sharing Miss Jess..huuuggs

  8. We had rats..field rats get in our garden and eat tomatoes. We also had marks on other things like spaghetti squash…found out they were claw marks from the cats, that chased the rats, that ate the tomatoes. Cats

  9. Ben makes me happy. As well as your beautiful face Jess. I live in Colorado so much of what you go through does not apply but I have learned a lot regardless. Thank you. And Bless You. <3

  10. It could be rats. That's what eats my tomatoes. My husband and oldest daughter saw one a couple of times, early in the morning.

  11. "Do you ever wait for something for so long that it just sneaks up on you?" You said this and I immediately turned to look at my sweet husband napping beside me. I was single throughout all my twenties waiting for him and now we'll have been married 4 years in August. So thankful for God's faithfulness. Ephesians dreams blow your mind man…

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