If you are having tomato fruit set problems try this simple toothbrush trick to get more tomatoes! The electric toothbrush acts like the buzz of a bee to help free the pollen and fertilise the flower- how cool is that!
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
tomatoes are 94% self pollinating. Don't waste your time spanking toms.
Good #koransawit
Try putting a honeybeehive in your yard.
I’m trying this because my 3 plants got hit with this terrible heat wave in the western United States, July 2021. Lots of stress to the plants and very few flowers setting into fruit. Very disappointed as I thought they would love this heat, NOT. Cooling off now so perhaps this technique and cooler temps will help them.
I've been doing this for my tomatoes and my peppers this year. The set rate for both has been great!
Even a small water paint brush will do the job as well.
I just did the same thing with a special device!
Bla bla bla… why dont you just show how to use the toothbrush!
Great tip!
Dad, the tomatoe fairy used my toothbrush again.
To finger or to vibrate…that is the question.
Can you do this for cucumber also? Same principle right?
I never understood plant reproduction
Does any one hear the Michael Myers theme song?
Thanks. That was really cool. I'm off to get me a tomato toothbrush.
Gotta luv the Friends moment
I used this method on chillies when I grew them indoors in a Romanian winter. -20 outside. Works great.
It turns out the electric toothbrush is the bee's knees.
Maybe use your Mother-in-laws electric toothbrush…
Informative and funny demo. Thanks.
I'm a total tomato plant growing boob here. Although, in 1980, I grew a plant someone gave me on my fire escape and it produced nicely but, lots of wind probably helped it along.
I recently did a crop in my Aerogarden and not one tomato! So, I went to Amazon and saw that thingy Aerogarden sells which basically is what you are using…an electric toothbrush. Cool. I got one in the closet.
I've watched a few videos and all I saw was pollen going out of the flower with this method and, I wondered how the pollen "knew" where to land properly. But you said something interesting about the process when bees do it…that some of the pollen their buzzing loosened up goes into the air but, some finds it's way to the stigma and goes into the ovaries where the fruit is formed (something like that). So, that's what I'm aiming for then? Just to shake things up a bit in the flower stage in order to loosen up the pollen and get it to go back down into the plant to self pollinate it?
Does this work for other veggies/fruits like capsicum/eggplants?
Great video! Just wondering how often you need to manually polinate the flowers?
3:28 Bees for Pollinators the answer is large Sun flowers. Plant a few large Sun flowers and see the fun. 8:06 Wrap a thin layer of cotton on a match stick head and pollinate . Cotton buds are a bit too big for tomato flowers.