March 17, 2025

10 thoughts on “VIDEO: Final Candy Onion Harvest June 19, 2019

  1. Awesome! We planted a little too close together this year. Next year we are also planting 6 inches apart. Beginning to weigh our veggies. Our largest so far is a spaghetti squash at 5 pounds 12 ounces!! (We harvested 12 spaghetti squash). Thank you for inspiring me!

  2. Those were good looking onions. I’m guessing you guys must grow the sweet Vidalia type onions down there. Those and mushrooms are my favourite accompaniment to a nice steak!


  3. Sorry I have gotten behind on your channel, the last several weekends I have been working with Shannon on the 1969 Dodge Coronet restoration. This coming weekend and the next one, Shannon says he will probably not have anything I can help with, so it is catch up time! Great harvest, and I love the weigh in. I saw a couple of lounge chairs on your patio…..why do you have them? You all never rest!!!! Say hey to Al for me and have an enjoyable and safe 4th of July!!!

  4. Those are some awesome onions ya get there Mrs. Lea. I think we will try some of those Candy next year. Thanks for the info on planting space for them. Hey it might have been smaller then last years but the over all harvest kicked butt!! Great job done! Happy 4th my friends!

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