June 8, 2024

VIDEO: 8 Basil Varieties You Might Not Know About…

Basil. One of the most popular herbs in the world, and yet so many of us only grow a few classic varieties. I’ve got nothing against Genovese or Sweet basil, but there are some REALLY fun varieties to grow that might be better suited to your unique growing conditions or goals as a gardener. Things like holy basil / tulsi, purple basil, thai basil, columnar basil…the list goes on.

Here are 8 varieties of the EPIC Ocimum basilicum to add to your shopping list. If you want to know how to grow basil or prune basil, check out the article below or other videos on my channel.


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→ Full Article: https://www.epicgardening.com/growing-basil/


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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: 8 Basil Varieties You Might Not Know About…

  1. One summer, I had a "Holy Basil" that was quite sweet. Unfortunately, I did not know how to continue to propagate it at the time. Totally, my favorite. Tulsi doesn't seem to be the right plant – unless it just happened to be the nurture vs the nature of the plant. The next family of plants to investigate might be the radishes – from horseradish to wasabi to the French Breakfast and French Dressing, etc. I am at 6,800', zone 6A (Cfa) and would really like soup and salad plants and radish leaves and bulbs meet that need.

  2. I have lemon and Thai basil growing. But yesterday, saw someone making red basil/tarragon tea and I guess it's back to the garden store now. Still have some space so I better fill it. Need to find that pesto perpetuo, too.

  3. There’s some ppl who use the dark Opal basil as tea so hot water with the basil but then they put lemon juice in and it changes colour so pretty tea

  4. Save seeds by separating seeds from spent flower heads with blender. Strain & blow chaff away.
    Cover plant with small hole mesh bag to reduce cross polination & bug infestation. Basil is self pollinating so shake plant to help pollination. Pass the word!

  5. Some of the seeds from my genovese seed packet are growing something with super tiny leaves. They grow tons of leaves super fast. I have no idea what it is. The leaves are way smaller than the spicy globe. Smaller than a pinky nail size.

  6. I’m growing lime basil which I’m making lemonade with now, or would that be limeade? I also have cinnamon basil seeds, I didn’t plant. I plan on planting them next spring

  7. Just got a package of 7 basils. I received Purple Dark Opal, Genovese, Spicy Globe, Cinnamon, Lime, Thai, Red Rubin. Please let me know which ones will do best September on in Florida 9b. I wonder which ones the Thai people use in Panang curry. Thank you. Originally from SF

  8. Currently growing sweet basil from supermarket purchased plants by trying to grow from seed for the first time ever. Got some dark opal seeds and some other items and was gifted Holy basil. I found this really informative ans useful, thank you so much. I'm hoping to mage gift pots with the three types of basil for Christmas if I can get the seeds to grow. Do you have any recommendations of a 4th Basil I could play with? I live in New Zealand so have less availability, I have seen seeds for Thai, Lemon and Cinnamon basil available.

  9. I love both basil and anise/licorice/fennel type flavors so I definitely wanna try thai basil. Could even infuse it in some alcohol for a homemade basil version of ouzo/sambuca/arak

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