September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Cheap and Easy Deer Proof Garden Fencing using Fishing Line

This $25 trick will allow you to have a fencing solution that will keep even the most daring deer out of your garden.
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Cheap and Easy Deer Proof Garden Fencing using Fishing Line

  1. Watched an old, experienced gardener use one line of fishing line at waste level. He emphasized the key is they have to not be able to see it. Too thick and they see it and jump it, too thin and they accidentally walk into it and it breaks. So, 30 pound line (if memory serves) and no wind tails to mark it/give it away. They feel it but they can't see it and won't jump unless they are sure about height and distance. He filmed a deer run just 2 feet away from his garden and promised none in his garden for 10 years. If my beds weren't scattered around, I would try this approach.

  2. I am starting first garden and the fishing twine would only work for deer’s. Is there a way to put strings closer near bottom to also keep our rabbits and small pests without the snow fencing?

  3. Can you do a similar video for rabbits? I had a rabbit burrow into my raised bed last night. I dont want him to become comfortable in the area. I spread around cayenne mixed with garlic and soap and water!

  4. This is my favorite method to keep deer out- just one difference. No ribbon hanging from the line.

    If deer can see something, they can probably jump over it. They regularly jump over 8-10 foot fence here in Kentucky. 10 is the highest I've ever heard. However, if the deer can't see the fence, they won't jump it. Hanging a ribbon from it lets them know that there is in fact a barrier there, and they will try to jump it. Hopefully, they walk up on the fishing line and when they touch it, it spooks them.

    Aside from a physical barrier over about 10 feet tall, there is nothing that will stop a hungry deer. Don't let some old man tell you that you can put something smelly in your garden or whatever. Deer are actually interested by weird smells, no matter what it is. They get used to anything and everything you can throw at them. Sounds, sights, whatever. On that note, good luck with your deer problems everyone! Haha

  5. Ten years ago we had to string over the entire backyard to keep a hawk from hunting our kitten and keep them out of our backyard from above. We still have the cat and the hawk left the area the same year. We used about half of our supply of fishing line and it was well worth it~

  6. I tried this a few years ago. The lines break and get tangled in the plants and I felt like I was never going to be free of fishing line in my garden! Also be careful if you have chickens, they can get it tangled around their feet from scratching and digging and it can cut off the circulation and really injure them.

  7. Sounds useful if the line is low enough to bump into. My chainlink fence is 5 ft and the deer jump over it. If I put fishing lines higher than this, the deer will not bump into it and will jump. I think this would have to be line that can be seen if it is installed higher than a deer is tall. Otherwise they will jump and hit it, maybe knock down the posts or injure themselves or both.

  8. Cool… Thanks for this video. We are about to put in a fence in our back yard to keep the deer out, and like you said it's difficult to find tall enough fencing, I'm glad you have this video. Thanks again.

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