June 9, 2024

VIDEO: Bale Garden Tour – Plus Container and Lasagna Garden Tour

In this episode I take you through a tour of the entire Brew City Garden in early July. The summer has just begun and the garden is beginning ignite with incredible growth! This is the point where it really starts getting good and I want to show you where we are at this point. Thanks for joining me on this Brew City Garden tour!

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17 thoughts on “VIDEO: Bale Garden Tour – Plus Container and Lasagna Garden Tour

  1. Oppe – I'll have to try that folk trick. I wonder if it works on groundhogs??! I have a resident groundhog under my air conditioner next to my foundation. It ate all my lettuce, peas, and carrot tops. I use the beer trick for slugs with good success but also use DE. I envy your peas as I have none. Darned rodent! I tried growing ground cherries 1 year but then accidentally pulled the plants when they were a few inch tall thinking they were weeds. Have yet to try them. Thanks for sharing.

  2. We have a guy around here who grows his whole garden in buckets, it’s definitely a good idea! Damn slugs! I battled them this year in NY as well, it’s been super wet also. I’ve never heard to kale/Brussel sprouts combo! I’ve never had a ground cherry, I had no idea that’s what they taste like!!!!!

  3. We used to grow sunflowers every year. Most of the varieties had multiple heads — some have dozens. It's been much hotter here, but still very wet. The tomatoes are doing the best by far!

  4. Your garden is looking really good! I appreciate your enthusiasm, that’s just how I feel about gardening too (always have). The cool wet weather has left us and we have been in hot muggy conditions lately. Your garlic looks really healthy and happy!


  5. The fork trick works really good. Beer traps work wonders on those slugs. They be partying critters no doubt. LOL. Sorry to hear your beans did not do so good. Squash is coming on strong now! Ours is about done. Heat is playing a major toll on everything now over here. Cukes are looking good and those peppers are growing gang busters! BER happens no matter what we do. Doing our tricks helps out a lot to keep it down! Some breeds are worse then others like you said. To much to comment on here so let me say your garden is doing really good buddy! All that rain is hard to deal with. Your getting drown while we are baking with no rain. Keep up the good work my friend! Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. lovely Garden tour bro please watch my video upload this week and tell me the what kind of flowers is that you may know about that please send me in comment

  7. I pulled my potatoes up yesterday that were died back and found that they were small, but there were quite a few per hill. I don't have proper PH

  8. Your garden and mine too! Only my snap peas are doing anything, and they are usually six feet tall…this year…three at this point. So much rain! Things are looking better in both gardens though. I'm really glad to see your fork trick. I will have my update on the garden out tomorrow. Thanks for sharing how yours is going, it makes me feel better as a first time hay bale grower to see how your bales are doing! And, thanks for all the encouragement this year!

  9. You are just across the lake from me! I did tomatoes in buckets this year also. It has been cool and rainy here also. Your peppers are looking great! Mine got a late start. I am going to seed them differently next spring.

  10. Sorry to hear about your okra. I normally do extra seedlings as well just in case. Our peas started out great then all of a sudden turned yellow like yours. So I think we are going to pull those out and just grow pole beans. It is normal for sunflowers to have multiple flowers on them. Nice tour of your garden. Everything looks like it is producing great!

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