March 14, 2025

VIDEO: A Competition Tomato Mistake (Parenting in the Garden) | VLOG | Roots and Refuge

A mistake was made with my competition tomato, but its really ok.

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23 thoughts on “VIDEO: A Competition Tomato Mistake (Parenting in the Garden) | VLOG | Roots and Refuge

  1. I enjoyed this video more than any other thus far…I think. I garden with my 2 littles (now 5 and 3) and I struggled to keep them from picking ALL fruits in our garden last year. I appreciate you sharing this story as it helps me to know that I am not alone in this quest. Finding joy. Thank you.

  2. Oh Jess, last year I felt the Lord saying that I was to give away
    My first tomato plant that flowered. I thought to myself, “that’s just me” next day it keeled over and seemed to die. So I apologised to the Lord and gave away my new best tomato plant to a sister and I learned my lesson much much love

  3. I love how the Lord speaks through you. Almost a year after you made this, I find myself in a similar scenario with my kiddos. Though my kids are not small, and a competition tomato isn’t involved, God has used your experience and your response to it to speak right into my heart. Thank you for sharing. Blessings!

  4. Poor Benjamin, It takes an amazing woman to not freak out about a tiny mistake. I much rather have my kids in the garden feeling comfortable and sure about what they are eating and they feel they have helped with what you grow. There is no better feeling in the world, my mom never really taught me about gardening and what a greenhouse is for. My father worked as a district manager for McDonalds. He always would get the next toys in advanced and he always seemed to have them in his trunk all the time. He had given me and my sisters the happy meal of a tint greenhouse and it came with seeds, I was 9 0r ten at the time and I was so happy and into it, I also had a tiny garden growing and I had strawberries, radish, marigolds. I learned from a happy meal toy how to grow stuff. I feel like this is why our generation is prevalent in gardening because otherwise i would have never known. It was not my moms fault she had 7 of us to feed and take care of all by herself. My dad who was my stepfather would visit us about once a month and that was what we got from him was the McDonald toys which was pretty awesome to me and my sisters. My mom on the other hand wanted money! Ha ha! Thank you for sharingyoour family with us! it is obvious how special and precious your family is to you! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

  5. You make me want to be a better mom to my crazy 4yo. Thank you for sharing you’re amazingly kind reaction to the tomato meltdown. I feel so bad when my son thinks he’s helping & we have to correct him & he cries. You give me hope for my soul! Ty

  6. Jess you are seriously the best mama out there. I hope one day when me and my so have kids were able to raise ours with the same values yours have. Love watching yall. The grace you shpw your babies is heartwarming

  7. Today I have completed most of your videos since I discovered your channel,I have been watching over 5 videos a day.I love your channel,I love you Jess.
    With Love from Nairobi,Kenya.

  8. For biggest tomato competitions you should always use varieties known to be Giant size. I like Big Zac or Mortgage Lifter for this. I like Climbing Trip–L-Crop for overall production, but it’s not generally big enough for competitions.
    Another reminder- to get the largest tomatoes pinch off excess of blossoms so the plant puts its energy into fewer larger fruits. Look for fused blossoms that can create fused giant tomatoes. and leave the fused blooms on the plant to produce giants.

  9. I love how the timing of when I see your videos is so spot on. I saw this one on the day my 3 year old (who adores helping with the gardening) overturns all of my pablano pepper starts. Like you said, you have to make room for mistakes. I always allow for restarting my plants thankfully. I started gardening expecting to have to between my lack of knowledge and my little ones. You handle these things so beautifully, Jess.

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