June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Growing Sweet Corn in Straw! – Update

It’s been a crazy weather growing season full of successes and failures. It appears that one of my greatest successes is growing sweet corn. The sweet corn has grown amazingly well in the straw bed and tassels are beginning to bloom! If this outstanding growth continues we are going to have an amazing corn harvest in a few weeks! Thanks for watching!

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Cubic Z Diamond Ortiz

Avocado Street Wes Hutchinson

#growingcorn #growingsweetcorn #strawbalegardening

20 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing Sweet Corn in Straw! – Update

  1. We had an issue of our cherries getting to a certain point, then disappearing overnight. From the damage to the tree, we have decided it was not deer but raccoons. They eat the wild black cherries in the area, and have discovered the joys of these large, cultivated cherries. They break a few branches every year in the process as well. It's the only thing they attack — so-far.

  2. Oppe – I understand your message about the weather and the critters. I caught a raccoon last night and my neighbors and I have seen at least 2 raccoons, 2 possums, and a groundhog in the neighborhood. This year's weather is just weird. I have seen several content providers talking about their peas in July! I don't have any this year (groundhog!) but mine were always done by end of June. How tall is your corn? I can't really tell d/t the bales.

  3. I found out yesterday why, even though my melons, tomatoes and green beans are blooming great guns, no fruit is setting. Apparently, our highs (mid 90s) render pollen sterile if there are several consecutive days of that kind of heat.

    Hasn't affected my sweet peppers, though. That's odd.

  4. Your corn looks pretty good, better than a lot of farmers around me. Man I grew corn once and we had a storm it fell over and killed the few rows of stuff in fell on, I haven't tried again since that happened.

  5. My peas, carrots, beets, radish died, and the tomatoes and peppers are not producing well…. except the Hungarian wax peppers. Tomatoes have fruit, but small and not ripening well. Everything else has died. I'm reevaluating what I'm doing for next year, already.

  6. It has been one rough year. Is it bad I am praying for a harsh winter so it will kill off all of the pest eggs and other bad insects? Corn is looking real good Oppe. Thanks for sharing.

  7. The weather has been a huge player on everyone this year. It has been so hot in my area that came in way to early. We never see triple digit heat in May but it happen this year. All we can do is work hard and hope for the best! Your corn is looking amazing buddy! Got my fingers crossed the bugs will leave it alone. Have a great weekend!

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