March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Garden Update and Harvest August 22, 2019

Today we harvested our first batch of Silver Queen sweet corn. We have pulled some of the Roma tomatoes and planted more bush green beans. We have some fall plants started in flats. Garden is still producing fairly well!!

17 thoughts on “VIDEO: Garden Update and Harvest August 22, 2019

  1. Wow, that is an impressive Garden and fish set up. I would love to hear how you store Okra. I grew it once and had so much I didnt know what to do with it. I tried freezing it and when thawed it turned to a ball of slime. I was putting okra in everything, Chili, soups, eggs…. the okra was coming out my ears, I had to harvest like every other day.

  2. Very nice harvests y'all have there Lea!! Its been too rainy, too hot, back and forth here.
    Some catfish and fried okrie sure does sound good heh!! Hope y'all get/got the pond
    figured out!! Have a good'nnn

  3. Fantastic harvest Lea and Al! I really enjoyed the garden update including the issues with the pond and geckos. I am glad to see the city/county finally got out there and smoothed the ground! It was nice to see the chickens, it is funny how different species have different personalities. You guys work your tails off, I am glad to see that you were well rewarded for all that hard work!!!

  4. great video! I live in north Florida and the heat and bugs here are so oppressive, and it is depressing to have lovely tomato plants that just go down the tubes because of army worms or horn worms and if you work three days , you could just cry on your days off when you survey what has been ravaged while you were away – you can apply stuff like BT, but the daily rains wash it away. Cucumbers? Squash? Pumpkins? forget it… worms get them. My sweet potatoes are doing great like yours, and my peppers are pretty good, eggplants suffer with whiteflies but still produce. Okra doing okay too. Thanks for making your videos – between you and the other youtube gardeners, I am able to make it through winter!

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