June 8, 2024

VIDEO: My New Favourite Garden Tool

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A short video about how I discovered my new favourite garden tool. It’s not what you would expect, but I’d recommend it for all gardeners (or at least those who are married, and want to stay that way).


Where We Get FREE Garden Mulch

Our Deep-Mulch Vegetable Garden After TWO MONTHS of Complete Neglect

Companion Planting Asparagus and Strawberries (No-till, Ruth Stout)

Spring Prep in our “No-Work” Garden, and an EASIER way to Spread Mulch

Preparing our Hugelkultur Garden for Winter: Chop and Drop

The Ruth Stout Method of Permaculture

337 lbs of Potatoes! NO digging, NO watering, and VERY LITTLE work!

Planting Potatoes in a Ruth Stout Permaculture Garden (QUICK and EASY)

Results from our NO DIG and NO WATER potato experiment (Ruth Stout Method)

Companion Planting Carrots, Radishes and Onions in a Ruth Stout (HAY-ONLY) Garden

Results and Lessons Learned from our Carrot, Onion, and Radish Experiment

Plant Hardiness Zone, Rainfall, and Other Important Information

Winter Ruth Stout Permaculture Update and HAY vs STRAW

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: My New Favourite Garden Tool

  1. Horrible feeling isn't it? At least you lost your own! I lost my husband's band! He was fixing our boat and always took his ring off when he did things like this (which was a lot – he is a mechanic!) I thought it was lucky I was there so I could wear it, I was always worried he would lose it. He finished the repair and went to the washrooms to wash up so we could head out on the water. At the time I was still a smoker, I finished my cigarette (yuck!) and went to flick it. I not only flicked my smoke, I flicked his ring right off my thumb!!! It rolled down the side of the boat, dropped onto the next level, kept rolling then dropped off the side of the boat into the water : ( I don't have a nice ending saying we found it 10 years later but my hubbie was actually pretty tickled about it! You see, he was worried about losing his ring so when I did it let him off the hook! LOL Rings don't make a happy couple, working together to make life better does <3 Congrats on finding your's though! : )

  2. 28 years of marriage and I'm on wedding ring #3. lol My wife managed to severely damage hers while cleaning a toilet. The seat fell and hammered it into an oval shape she couldn't get off her finger. I managed to bend it back. Then we got her another one so they she didn't destroy her grandmother's ring completely.

  3. I love your videos and I have subscribed, but as a viewer with cochlear implants I sometimes depend on captions. Please enable auto transcription for all your videos – because I don't want to miss a single one!

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